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subject: Singles Dating For Men And Avoiding Mistakes The Other Guys Make [print this page]

Have you ever looked around you and wondered why one of your mates is so successful with women? Is it his looks, his bank balance or his car? Chances are it is none of these things and in reality your mate simply knows how to engage with a woman and keep her interested. Successful singles dating for men is all about knowing and avoiding the mistakes that guys constantly make when they are around women.

Here are a couple of the most common mistakes men make and how to avoid them

Telling a woman how you feel about her too early in your relationship

You start telling an attractive woman in the first couple of dates how you really feel about her and she is going to want to run away. Attractive women get a lot of attention from men and they can be approached several times a day, in one way or another, by men. They are used to all of this attention and they have probably dated a lot of guys. They have experience and they know the signals. You telling her how you really, really like her too early in the game only sends out a message that you are just like all the other guys out there, falling for her too fast and not being able to control yourself.

Sit back and relax. Date other women and let her see what she is missing. Let her see you out and about with other women having a good time without her. This will set her wondering why she hasn't managed to capture you, like she normally does with all the other guys.

Spending money on her all of the time

How often have you taken a girl out to dinner, bought her flowers and chocolates, only to be rejected by her for a complete jerk who doesn't treat her anywhere near as well as you did. Singles dating for men is not about spoiling a girl by lavishing money on her, it is about liking her for who she is and getting her to feel the same about you. Showering a woman with gifts is seen by her as manipulation. That somehow because you have bought her flowers, she has to go out with you.

Most women are not attracted to a guy by the size of their wallet but by a gut instinct that simply attracts them to that person. Women are not as black and white in their feelings as men. They can be more attracted to a short, balding guy than a tall handsome guy if the short guy is the one pressing the right buttons in her head.

Are you ready to become a master at the art of attracting and seducing women? Do you want to learn flirting techniques and the key to body language? If you want to become the type of guy that is constantly surrounded by women then you need to visit my website now.

by: Jo Gardner

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