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subject: The Children of Odin - A Children's Book of Northern Norse Myths [print this page]

The Children of Odin - A Children's Book of Northern Norse Myths

The Children of Odin - A Children's Book of Northern Norse Myths

A long, long time ago, before the dawn of time, somewhere to the North, lay the realm of Asgard. Therein dwelt the Norse gods and goddesses of old who were wise, beautiful and kind. They lived in peace and harmony, untouched by evil and iniquity - until the day the

Giants from Jotunheim cast envious eyes upon them and their kingdom....

Padraic Colum (1881 - 1972) was an Irish poet, novelist, dramatist, biographer and collector of folklore. He was one of the leading figures of the Celtic Revival. In his retelling of these Norse myths and legends he speaks directly to children.

This volume is an excellent retelling of the Norse sagas about Odin, Freya, Thor, Loki, and other gods and goddesses, whom the Vikings believed lived in Asgard, back in the murky clouds of pre-history. It is quite literally a version of northern mythology retold for children

which has enthralled the young, and the young at heart, for countless generations. Enthralling because, while Greek and Roman mythology is interesting, Norse legend seems to have a special place in the Western European psyche, probably because so many Europeans and Americans have a Viking ancestor somewhere in their lineage.

These stories are filled with the rich narrative of the storyteller, the flashing of colour, beauty and truth against the foreboding, lurking dark of the underworld. They are brought to life with excellent illustrations by the renowned artist Willy Pogany (1882 1955). In addition, many of today's developers of online Viking games use this century-old volume as a point of reference.

33% of the publisher's profit from the sale of this book will be donated to UNICEF.

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