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Japanese Clothes Online: How To Avoid Going Smash

Japanese Clothes Online: How To Avoid Going Smash

Japanese traditional clothes are tantalizing. I have heard people say they would be happy to buy a kimono many times. Not the cheap imitations, but the real, high quality one. The one that smells Japanese, feels Japanese, and looks like something Japanese people would actually wear. However, their passion would often fade away completely after a brief introduction of the prices. Of course, it wasn't a big deal for some of those who were ready to invest any sum of money into the dream of their life, but the majority were close to giving up. However, if you give it a second thought, how could people wear something that expensive every day? The truth is, just like with the western clothes, Japanese traditional clothing has both expensive dresses for special occasions and comfortable outfits to wear every day. Cheap and beautiful kimonos do exist. And the best thing about them is that they look and feel exactly as you expect them to.

Take a jimbei for example. A jimbei (or "jinbei") is a flimsy kimono that Japanese people often wear even today. On hot summer days there is hardly a traditional outfit you can see more often. It is primarily worn by men and little children at home or outside, but recently it has been gaining popularity even among women. You can see men in the streets taking a slow walk in the vicinity of their houses or checking their mailboxes and chatting with their neighbors or little kids frolicking in a local park - all wearing comfortable jimbeis. Jimbeis are also a favorite choice for summer festivals like fireworks where they have only one worthy competitor - a long robe called yukata. As for the looks, the jimbei consists of two main pieces: a top and shorts. Traditionally, jimbeis are dyed a plain color, but today they can be found in more intricate patterns and non-standard colors as their popularity among women has significantly grown. Men's jimbeis are usually blue or green with transparent vertical lines. It is closed by fastening the right side to the string inside of the left one and the left one - to the string on the right one.

The price of jimbeis is more than attractive. We are looking at 30 dollars an average. They come in all sizes, too, so you should not have any difficulties finding the one that fits you. It is also a good opportunity to dress not only yourself but also your kids. Whether your family will like such involuntary "japanisation" is a different question, but if they are in for the Japanese culture and things, there can't be a better present.

Unfortunately, jimbeis are quite hard to find outside of Japan. At least, I have never seen them or people who would be aware of their existence here. In comparison to more expensive Japanese traditional clothes, like a furisode, they might look somewhat plain and simple and are overlooked by the masses. Despite that fact, for Japanese people jimbeis remain something more than just a tradition. If you want to join them, make sure to visit Japanese Clothes Online for samples and tips on ordering your jimbei online.

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