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How To Get Rid of Atopic Dermatitis In Children

How To Get Rid of Atopic Dermatitis In Children

It feels like a burden seeing your child suffering the itchy and irritating condition of atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis in children commonly appears between the 2nd to 6th months of a baby's age. It first affects facial areas like the forehead, cheeks and scalp. Then, it may progress to the trunk and creases of knees, wrists and elbows. Researches show that it usually runs among families with history of asthma, allergy and atopic dermatitis. With this, its treatment is focused on the management and control of its signs and symptoms, as well as the prevention of further complications.

To deal with atopic dermatitis in children, it is necessary to determine the condition's triggering factors. One shall avoid exposure to these allergens or irritants. A daily bath for at least 15-20 minutes using mild, non-drying soap is advised. Use a soft towel to pat dry the area. Lubricating creams are applied after then. Swimming is also allowed, provided that a shower must immediately be done after to wash off chemicals like chlorine. Steroidal creams are prescribed to minimize the flaring up of the symptoms. Once dermatitis improves, the steroidal dose is tapered down. Foe severe itchiness, wet or damp dressings can be placed. Wet to wet dressings can be done by letting your child wear wetted pajamas after taking a bath. Then, a dry layer is placed over it.

Other than these measures, hand and body hygiene are essentials. Regular hand washing eliminates the harboring of infection-causing microorganisms. Fingernails must be kept short to avoid further skin damage by vigorous scratching. Tight fitting clothes, harsh soaps, stress and chemicals are also avoided. When all these measures seem to be still ineffective in treating atopic dermatitis in children, a prompt visit to a pediatrician will be helpful.

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