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subject: 0mlm review...0 Cost MLM in Pre-Launch [print this page]

0mlm review...0 Cost MLM in Pre-Launch

What is 0 MLM you might ask? well 0 MLM is a new home-based business that's designed to make anyone, even a complete newbie, money from the internet. 0 MLM is in pre-launch right now, but is set to launch on July 4,2011. Here is theroy behind 0 MLM, The idea of multi level marketing is fantastic. You tell 5 people who tell 5 people for 5 levels and if you do the maths you get 3,905 people working for you. Most MLM systems are paid which means to get someone new to sign up you have to convince them to spend $10 (or more) per month. As soon as you charge the effort in getting new sign ups becomes immense. Your MLM system should explode like a nuclear device, but instead it sputters like a 50 year old diesel engine!

4 reasons for the concept of 0 MLM

#1:) Make sure people don't quit If no one had quit with the paid MLM system I joined I would have 113 people and that would have been the minimum, that would have made me a profit of $1,236 per year. That's good, it's a ski holiday in Colorado every year. My idea to stop people quitting was a free MLM system. Why would anyone quit if it costs them nothing to join. Even if they only made $100 per year they would never leave, it's free money!

#2: Make it easy to get sign ups The paid MLM system needed approximately 1000 visitors to get 1 sign up. People think MLMs are scams so the conversion rate is incredibly low. I could generate the traffic due to all of my existing sites but 1000 hits to make $1 was a joke, I could make $200 from 1000 advert clicks with Pay Per Click. Also, as my downline grew the selling skills of the new members were very poor so their conversion rate was even worse. The solution again is a free MLM system. The sign up rate is much higher, in fact only 10 visitors are needed to get 1 sign up, that is 100 times more powerful!

#3: Ensure everyone makes money The paid MLM system resulted in most people loosing money, this negative feeling doesn't help people expand their business, it's much simpler to just quit. A free MLM system makes it simple to make a profit. Even one advert click would make profit. As soon as you see that first bit of money in your account you are empowered to focus on making more.

#4: Nobody needs to help you No one should need any help and support to grow their own downline. The paid MLM system didn't provide people with the right sales tools. Everyone had some web space but were left on their own to design their sites and sales messages. What a mess! 1000s of sites with poor messages and sites that looked like they were made at home. 0mlm handles this for you. The sites are very strict, you cannot alter the core messages and layout, I have written these all for you so everyone will make sales and grow their downlines. It's not about making your own personal style, it's about making money. The 0mlm manager lets you set up your sites with out any HTML and every setting is explained with ideas and suggestions to maximize your earnings.


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