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subject: Dentists Stamford Ct Localized Recommending Whitening [print this page]

Dentists Stamford CT localized utilize many modern techniques in their battles against stained teeth. Stains occur because of coffee, tea and cigarettes. They also occur from not brushing or eating lots of staining foods. In the past there were only several things a person could try to get their teeth white. Now there are many different products along with different techniques that are all within a dentist's arsenal. Dentists usually have a bleaching product available. Dentists can also use a laser technique to whiten teeth. Many dentists will recommend take home kits as well.

Dentists will usually have some sort of bleaching agent available for use in their office. The bleaching agent will vary from office to office. Dentists Stamford CT localized have various mixes and methods as well. Some dentists require you to stay for an hour and have multiple visits for results. Other dentists will ask for only a half hour of your time only once. Every office will have different policies and different materials available. Dentists Stamford CT localized will also recommend different techniques for different people. The results will always be different for different people because of how stained teeth can get depending on a person's lifestyle. Some people need a heavier treatment than other people.

Another popular technique that dentists Stamford CT localized will use is laser treatment. Again this involves a bleaching agent along with an amount of time. The laser then is applied to the teeth. This can be uncomfortable for many people though and cause sensitivity. Another technique that people often mistake for laser treatment is light treatment. A bright light is applied after the bleaching agent. This causes less sensitivity problems but these problems still occur. Dentists Stamford CT localized use different machines in all of their offices so a little research will need to be done if you have a specific technique in mind or if you need to know more about the differences in the machines and techniques.

Because of how expensive teeth whitening can get, and also because it is not usually covered by dental insurance, many dentists Stamford CT localized will recommend an over the counter whitening product. Sometimes dental offices will carry products for sale. Other times they will recommend going somewhere to buy one in a store. There are all sorts of different whitening strips offered by different companies. Most dental offices will recommend Rembrandt strips but Crest strips also come highly recommended. These strips all have different ups and downs but dentists Stamford CT localized can help you choose the right one for you.

by: Patrick Carter

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