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subject: Cheap Is Not Always Good When It Comes To Insurance [print this page]

Cheap Is Not Always Good When It Comes To Insurance

With the ever-increasing price of fuel, most people these days are considering finding another form of transport which saves on many aspects of getting to and from work. In fact, along with the vehicle itself, some are looking up the cost of insurance for mopeds to see if they can save here too. Moped insurance is much cheaper than other modes of transport but this does not mean that further savings cannot be made too.For example, those who keep the bike under lock and key at night and out of sight for sure; will realize some savings on the premiums. Since it is unlikely that there will be any theft from this place, it stands to reason why less claims will be made from the company too. Therefore, they can offer good discounts for certain criteria which are being observed.With cars, if no claims are made at all for a number of years, the cost of cover will come down by a certain percentage each year. This can amount to fifty percent eventually so it is well worth taking care of this cover for sure. Indeed, some people would rather deal with petty claims themselves rather than lose their no claims bonus, as it is called, since they know that the savings are greater later on.For those families then which add a bike onto the same cover, they may find that they are not paying too much extra at all. Indeed, this is probably the cheapest way to get cover anyway so some research should be done to ensure that they all get a good deal in the end.Some companies have an 'add-on' cover too which enables anything else being carried on the bike to have some kind of cover too. For example, pannier bags and anything inside them may need this extra cover since it is almost certain that this is not covered in a normal policy. However, as mentioned earlier, any kind of claim will wipe out the bonuses so some though has to go into whether to make a claim or not.It is obvious that anything which is on the road must be covered for at least third-party accidental damage. That means that anyone or anything other than the bike itself and the driver. Since anyone who is hurt will need some compensation for damage that has occurred to them, it is a good idea to ensure that the policy is large enough to cater for them. Otherwise, the rest will be claimed directly from the driver himself and this can literally bankrupt him if he is not careful.Teenagers will often use this mode of transport to get back and forth to school and some companies offer cover for as little as one hundred dollars or so. However, there are different rules etc with each individual company so a good research person is needed to glean which will suit him better. Naturally, cheap is not always best so make this low down on the priority list so that everything is covered adequately.

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