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subject: "Is Attitude the Cause of Your Injuries?" [print this page]

"Is Attitude the Cause of Your Injuries?"

"Is Attitude the Cause of Your Injuries?"

Statistically, we know that most workplace injuries are the result of behavior , not conditions. Careless behavior and unsafe behavior are behind most injuries, but what's the real cause?

Companies that provide safety training and hold regular safety meetings may think that they have done all they can, but the results tell a different story. If your company is having too many injuries, the reason may be the attitude that your employees have towards safety. Are they engaged and committed to your safety program? Do they always observe safety protocol? Do they look out for each other? Do they take pride in the company's safety record?

More safety meetings aren't the answer.Better safety meetings are. When a company goes beyond the requirements of providing safety training and safety meetings to make the training interactive and interesting- even fun- employees get the message. Safety comes alive when employees are engaged. Any company or organization can turn safety into a positive experience by being creative. The same techniques that are routinely used to liven up management meetings can be applied to the meetings that concern safety. Some safety companies specialize in providing professional safety trainers that have personality, and make their meetings more than just routine top-down information sessions. Utilizing techniques that engage workers, requiring participation and feedback, these safety meetings do a far better job of conveying information. They also de a better job at changing the attitude that workers have towards safety. By making the meetings more interesting, the company demonstrates that safety is a high priority to them.

Another tool that can be used effectively to promote a positive attitude is the Safety Incentive Program. These programs work best when they are focused around dynamic meetings where the employees are the stars. Recognizing and rewarding safe behavior in front of their peers helps build morale and reinforces the benefits of performing their jobs safely. Behavior that gets rewarded gets repeated.

For more information and suggestions on how to change the safety attitude in your company, visit us at

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