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subject: Dating Tips For Men - Real World Seduction [print this page]

Being able to seduce a woman is not the easiest thing for most men to do. In fact, most guys NEVER try to go about seducing a woman. Now, just so you understand, seducing a woman is not about tricking her into sleeping with you. It's more about causing such strong and intense attraction with a woman, that she throws down her barriers and gives in to the moment.

Most seduction tips and routines that you read about fail to produce any real world results. They may sound good on a computer screen, but they will not succeed when you go out and try them for real.

Here are some seduction tips that you can use in the REAL world:

1. Seducing a woman starts with you knowing what attracts a woman. You have to know how to "hook" a woman's attention and cause it to escalate into sexual attraction. A woman may be attracted enough to talk to a guy, but you have to be able to escalate that attraction if you want to seduce her.

2. Pick up lines are TERRIBLE to use. A woman already knows what you want when you try to use a pick up line. As a result, most women will not even give you the chance to start a conversation with her, much less give you enough time to build attraction if you choose to use a pick up line.

3. Lead HER. This is where so many seduction tips and routines fail to produce results. Most will tell you that you have to dominate a woman. This is not what you want to do. You have to lead a woman. Seduction is like a dance and as in any dance, you are the one that is supposed to lead.

by: Chris Tyler

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