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7 Guidelines For Writing Your First Free Reprint Article

Article marketing is one of the easiest and most effective ways of increasing your web sites traffic and visibility in search engines. Almost anyone who can write a letter can also write a respectable article that would be suitable to be submitted as a free reprint article.

With that said, there are a few minor hurdles to leap over when your first starting out, the biggest of which is simply learning how to write articles.

Maybe youre just not used to writing articles, or maybe the last time you wrote anything was years ago when you were still in school.

Either way, you can take comfort in the fact that you can quickly learn how to write articles by keeping these 7 guidelines in mind:

1 - Your article should demonstrate your expertise without promoting your business. For example, that means that if you are a business coach, you would write articles instructing your readers on various aspects of starting a business, running a business, marketing a business, etc. People who are interested in this topic will read your articles and learn something.

2 - Reserve all information about your own business for your resource box. So, using the above example, the business coach would not talk about his or her own business in the article, but would save that sales oriented content for the resource box. Remember, the article is where you give, and the resource box is where you can take.

3 - Your article does not need to comprehensively cover your topic. You may wish to zero in and provide detailed information on a very specific topic, or you can zoom out and provide an aerial view of a topic of wider scope. Please do not feel like each article needs to tell everything about your subject. You have many articles to write, and you can use each article to convey a few helpful tips.

4 - Use a word count goal. This will prevent you from having an article that is overly long. Articles used as free reprint articles should be limited in length--long enough that they provide useful information to a reader, but short enough that they can be easily read and understood in a short span of time. A good range is 400-800 words.

5 - It is better to have two shorter articles than one long one. If you happen to have created a long article (about 1,000 words or more), then consider splitting the article into two shorter ones that are 500-800 words long. The shorter articles will be more attractive to publishers, be easier for readers to digest, and will also allow you to create more articles.

6 - Write an article draft, then take a break. Its a good idea to give your mind a rest after youve finished your first draft. When you look at your article with fresh eyes, youll be able to more easily see clumsy phrasing, typos and grammatical errors.

7 - By far the biggest trick to learning how to write free reprint articles is just to get started. Brainstorm some topic ideas, settle on one of them, jot down some basic points to cover in your article, and then flesh out the article, including an introductory paragraph and a concluding paragraph.

Remember, even the most experienced article marketer was once a beginner. By repeatedly writing articles, thinking of new ways to teach what you know, and continuously expanding your knowledge, your articles will get increasingly better.

The most challenging (and fulfilling!) article to write is always the first one--why not use these guidelines to get started on article #1 today?

by: Steve Shaw

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