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Teenagers Today

Teenagers Today

"Mom!!! Where is my school uniform? Mom!!! Quick!!! I am late to school!!! Mom!!!" "Dad, where is my pants? Oh, don't tell me; just help me to find it. OK?" Feel strange hearing these?

No! Teenagers nowadays are all very relying to their parents to help them to prepare everything. School uniform, shoes and even some parents have to help their prince' and princess' to prepare their school bags! What causes these bad phenomenons? Are these teenagers' faults or parents'?

Maybe, some will say, "Of course are the parents' faults. Parents should not help their children to prepare everything!" But, have you ever think that all the teenagers are small kids in their parents' eyes? Parents wouldn't refuse to help their children to do everything. This is what we call parents' love.
Teenagers Today

Teenagers nowadays are getting worse and worse. Maybe you will say again, "What an absurd! Teenagers nowadays are all getting smarter and smarter. Doctor, lawyers, engineers and teachers are most of their works! How can you say that they are getting worse?" Hey, why not? Just use a little time to think, what can teenagers do except studying?

Can they do more things such as cooking? Wash their clothes themselves? Or prepare up them themselves? No, they can't do anything except studying. OK, now, maybe some parents will say, "Oh, this is not a big matter, I can do everything for them. I just want them to study well and get a good job for a better life." Oh dear, hey parents, wake up, how long can you still helping them? Twenty years? Thirty years? Forty years? Or even fifty years? Parents, one day, you are leaving this world, after that, what should they do? Wait? Until what time?

Teenagers cannot be independent is a big problem because this may causes teenagers cannot take good care of themselves when they go for further study. They do not know how to cook to feed themselves up and do not know how to wash their clothes to keep themselves clean. This gives a very bad impression to others.

Besides, teenagers nowadays are very impolite too. They smashed the doors, having a big temper, angry at their parents, shout loudly and rudely at them and maybe just because their parents start nagging at them. Hey, parents are only the one who are most caring and loving us, even when they nagged to us, we should not having such impolite ways to treat them!

In addition, teenagers nowadays are not having compassion. We can see this through some teenagers do not love the small animals such as cats, dogs and rabbits. They are having the cruelty to animals by sitting on them till the animals are suffocating and die or kick them until the animals die. They think that this is one of their hobbies' and enjoy themselves in it but their immature thinking had scarify one precious live that are created by God.

We can prove that teenagers are not having compassion through they do not love the old ones. Maybe you will say that, "Nonsense. Look at the beautiful sepulcher they did for their parents. Even they die; they all still love their parents. This is what we call compassion." Oh dear, why they have to do this? Why don't they spend more time and money to keep company with their parents while their parents are still alive? What for they do this? Is it did for their parents or just did for us to see?

Besides, even the simplest of morals say, respect, care and consideration are fading away over the years.

If we use a bas to go to a place, we can always see that the teenagers are not willing to give their seats to the old peoples or pregnant women. This not only appears that the teenagers are not having enough respect but also show that they are very impolite.

Furthermore, teenagers today tend to lead a modern lifestyle as compared to the teenagers in the past. Unlike the past, teenagers are forced to stay at home playing all kinds of simple games such as playing pebbles, playing see-saw and playing congkak. Teenagers today are too bliss that they have variety of choice or games to play, for example computer games, player station and even game boy. Some may even play it throughout the day. These are very bad because these not only are not good for their health and even these can causes the teenagers today do not have a chance to communicate with their friends and family. What they can face is always only a cold, square computer.
Teenagers Today

Teenagers now seem to like the same kind of things and adopt the similar fashions. In particular, many high technologies such as hand phones seem to be inseparable for the teenagers. The teenagers are willing to spend moneys to buy those things but they are not willing to buy more books to increase their knowledge.

Moreover, teenagers today often stay up late or even involving in social ills. They play until midnight, enjoy in the pub or go out with their friend without the knowledge of their parents. It's very sad to hear that the percentage of teenagers involved in social ills is increasing gradually. The thinking of teenagers is immature that they can be simply influence by their friends to do something bad.

Besides, teenagers today are also very concern about face-saving. They do not dare to ask even they do not understand. They are too sensitive about their reputations which are very bad because when the teenagers go for further study, they could not learn anything because they don't dare to ask even they do not understand. What for they went to study if they do not learn anything?

In a nutshell, teenagers are our hope; they are the next generation to rule the world. But, unfortunately, the bad personalities are slowly and secretly creep inside our teenagers' thinking which is really bad. Teenagers like the cream of the society, like the white paper must not be allowed to move on the path of destruction. Hence, some action must be taken to stop the teenagers from continue to abuse themselves. The teenagers need people to advise them, guide them, and to lead and show them the path of righteous and enjoyable activities because the correct directions that are given to the teenagers can help them to be good and useful men of tomorrow. Let us create a better teenagers and better life for tomorrow and forever after!

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