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subject: Useful iPhone app for hi-tech device equipped parents [print this page]

Useful iPhone app for hi-tech device equipped parents

Even use it to monitor when older kids arrive home from school, etc. The applications are unlimited. It also will detect if your baby picks up the phone. Great for curious toddlers that wake up from their nap without making noise.

Now with iPhone 4 FaceTime function, the parents can even monitor the baby with video uplink to your phone screen. What a fantastic invention. The new FaceTime Mode, the iPhone can now place FaceTime call when it detects sound so you can see your baby. Use any FaceTime enabled device including your mac computer if you have the proper software installed.

While some young parents make their choices to get baby monitor from online wholesale electronics shop, some others choose to monitor their sleeping baby with this iPhone app. Simply place the iPhone near your sleeping baby, if it detects noise, it places a phone call to the number of your choice, you can then listen in for activity from your baby. Great for when you are on the go or traveling, no need to pack your regular baby monitor. One feature that makes this application exceptional is that the monitor has unlimited range!

Even use it to monitor when older kids arrive home from school, etc. The applications are unlimited. It also will detect if your baby picks up the phone. Great for curious toddlers that wake up from their nap without making noise.

Now with iPhone 4 FaceTime function, the parents can even monitor the baby with video uplink to your phone screen. What a fantastic invention. The new FaceTime Mode, the iPhone can now place FaceTime call when it detects sound so you can see your baby. Use any FaceTime enabled device including your mac computer if you have the proper software installed.

Although it's not professional, it is effective when using an iPhone as a baby monitor, what an expensive hi-tech electronic toy for young parents.

Now with new version of baby monitor app, you can adjust the sensitivity of the slider, and determine how many sounds must be detected before sending an alert. It is believed that this helps prevent false alerts when your baby is not yet fully finished with their nap.

Most important of all, the wallpaper can now be set in the app to show your own lovely child. Like to show the fantastic function to your friends? Try it now.

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