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subject: The Proper Diet for Pregnancy: 5 No-No's [print this page]

The Proper Diet for Pregnancy: 5 No-No's

The proper diet for pregnancy focuses on eliminating foods that can cause health problems to both you and your baby. While we all know to avoid alcohol or cigarettes during pregnancy (and in fact, you should anyway whether you are pregnant or not), you may not be aware that something as innocent as a piece of chocolate cake can be bad during pregnancy. Following are the top 5 no-no's you should eliminate from your diet for the next nine months:


Sugar is so seemingly innocuous that women aren't encouraged to pass it up during pregnancy, unlike other common vices like alcohol and caffeine. But the number one reason behind obesity during pregnancy is sugarand lots of it. Eliminating it from your diet will help lower your chance of developing gestational diabetes and will help keep your baby from growing too large.

If you are planning a natural delivery, that fact alone should be enough to keep you away from the sugar jar. Instead, look to all-natural sugar substitutes like stevia, raw honey, agave syrup (also known as agave nectar) and xylitol to satisfy your sweet tooth.

2.Artificial Sweeteners

You might think that switching from sugar to artificial sweeteners is the way to go, but think again. Artificial sweeteners are made of troubling chemicals that can cause a range of serious side effects for you and your baby. If you are trying to watch your weight and still need to satisfy your desire for sugar, then try some of the all-natural sugar substitutes mentioned above, which have none of the negative side effects that artificial sweeteners have. Stevia is a particularly good choice, as it has zero calories.


Everyone knows by now that caffeine should be eliminated or at least severely cut back during pregnancy. Experts agree that you can safely consume up to 150 mg per day without harm, but you need to be sure to figure in all sources of caffeine to that final total. Some over the counter headache remedies and most chocolate contain caffeine. Of course, coffee, tea, and sodas have it too. If you are a caffeine addict, then try stepping down your consumption slowly rather than going cold turkey. The detox symptoms can be hard on you while you are pregnant.


Soy is marketed as a perfectly healthy food for pregnancy and for any other stage of your life, but it should be eliminated from your diet altogether. Soy has been linked to developmental issues in utero, particularly development of the sex organs in the fetus.

In addition, if you are trying to conceive, soy can cut down on your fertility. There are plenty of other healthy sources of protein, such as lean all-natural meats, raw nuts, nut butters, and whole organic eggs. These are a much better choice during pregnancyor at any time, for that matter.


Sodas should be eliminated from your pregnancy diet altogether. Either they are chock full of sugar or chock full of artificial sweetenersand neither is okay for you during the next nine months. Water should be your go-to beverage during pregnancy, but you can break up the monotony by adding flavoring to your H20. You can also try herbal teas, or take regular tea or coffee in moderation. Add some stevia for the sweet taste you are craving, and you are setand much healthier than if you drank a Coke.

Eliminate these foods from your diet and you are on the right path to a healthy pregnancy. Don't stress if you can't eliminate everything bad all at onceinstead, try making these changes a little bit at a time and making them last.

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