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subject: How to Stick to Your Diet Plan: Pregnancy on the Go [print this page]

How to Stick to Your Diet Plan: Pregnancy on the Go

If you are on the go a lot, then you may find it difficult to stick with your diet plan pregnancy. After all, when you are pregnant, hunger pains feel more intense and your blood sugar swings more rapidly. These two factors can make it very difficult to stick with your sensible diet for pregnancy, and it's easy to succumb to the temptation of the drive-thru. But with a little careful planning and a lot of good sense, you can stick with your plan even while you are on the go. Here are four tips to get you started:

1.Prepare in Advance

If you are going to be running errands, even if you aren't hungry when you start out, you could easily begin feeling ravenous when you are on the go. To keep hunger pains at bay and keep your blood sugar level down, make sure you always have a snack in your purse as you go about your routine.

You can make your own trail mix out of raw nuts and dried fruita protein boost that will keep you satisfied. Or you might try celery sticks with nut butterthey're portable and have the added benefit of being chock full of protein. A protein-based snack is best as it helps to stabilize your blood sugar.

2.Have Some Go-To Snack Foods

If you have a tendency to feel hungry but make poor choices when your stomach overrules your mind, it helps to have some sensible snacks prepared in advance. As mentioned above, you can make your own trail mix or have celery sticks already prepared. You can also hard-boil a few whole eggs and have them handy for when hunger strikes. Be creative and make sure these snacks are appealing so you are happy to reach for them, rather than stop at a vending machine or a convenience store for an unhealthy snack.

3.Bring Water Along

Believe it or not, thirst can actually register in your mind as hunger pains. So if you feel hungry all the time, make sure you are drinking enough water. It's easy to get dehydrated during pregnancy, especially if you are exercising often or experiencing morning sickness. Have a bottle of water with you all the time, and make sure you are drinking at least half your weight in water every day. If water tastes too "boring" for you, then squeeze a lemon in or add a refreshing sprig of mint.

4.Don't Let Your Blood Sugar Drop

If you get hungry while you are outthen eat. Allowing your blood sugar to drop too low can cause dizziness and even fainting. It can also cause you to overeat once you have the chance. So make sure you keep your blood sugar stable by eating at least three sensible meals per day and two snacks. Incorporate protein and healthy fats, such as olive oil, organic butter, raw nuts, nut butters, and coconut oil with your meals for the best results.

5.Have a Plan B

There will be times when you will be out and about and you will totally forget to bring a snack or water. So what do you do then? Do you starve yourself until you get home? Or do you throw caution to the wind and decide to go for fast foodbecause one time "won't hurt?" The answer is none of the above.

Instead, find sources for healthy dining in your community. Your local health food store or farmer's market can be an excellent place to get healthy snacks. Many fast food places offer healthy dining options too, if you have no other choice. The key is to choose foods that are healthy for you and your babyeven when you are on the go!

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