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subject: How to prevent Childhood obesity in your kids? [print this page]

How to prevent Childhood obesity in your kids?

How to prevent Childhood obesity in your kids?

Obesity is the major concerning cause among children as they are more vulnerable of being overweight due to their inclination towards unhealthy junk food, which worsens the situation among them. Childhood obesity is growing at its fastest pace of sensation as the rate of indulging in fast food operating outlets, restraunts and grocery stores among kids have made them prone to this unhealthy body disease.

Obesity in Children occurs when kids are bombarded with the advertisements and banners, which contribute as a major spoilt for their health. Parents can also be blamed as the second reason for their indulgence as they spoilt them with the affluent life, while pampering them with video games and fast food restraunts. Worst of all, often the parents set a bad example for their children regarding unhealthy eating habits.

Some of the major and visible child obesity symptoms are as follows:

1. Felling tighter and suffocated in clothes and an urgent need for a larger size.

2. Measuring scale showing increase in gained weight.

3. Saturation of extra fat around waist area.

4. High body mass index measurement and increased waist circumference according to height.

5. Large body frame.

6. Inability to perform simple daily routine activities, while feeling lethargic and breathless.

These symptoms are the initial visible signs of childhood obesity but if not treated properly can lead to major health problems and medical issues such as high cholesterol level, high blood sugar level, blood pressure, arthritis, gallstone and major heart diseases among the kids in their minor age.

Prevention is better than cure! Parents must take some vital steps to initiate control over bad indulging habits of kids to safeguard them from being obese. Some steps to prevent obesity in children are as follows:

1. Limit use of video games and television in kids as prolonged sitting habits lead to obesity. Energy utilized from food must be use in different outdoor activities to burn off the extra calories for a healthy living life. As a parent always try to indulge your kids in fun outdoor activities, which keeps them healthy and wise.

2. Keep them away from unhealthy fried, junk and bad food choices. Introduce some healthy food options to them and get trickier, while preparing their lunch as kid enjoy the food activities that facilitate healthy living.

3. Get the unhealthy stuff such as chocolates, cookies, donuts and potato chips out of your cupboard area available in house. Get rid of the poor choices and provide your children with better alternatives like fresh fruit and vegetable.

Create a supportive environment for your kids and help them make better choices in food. To make them lead their life at their fullest, the best available and healthy eating options must be introduced to them to which they can indulge upon!

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