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subject: Parents on Facebook - Strategies For Peaceful Connection [print this page]

Parents on Facebook - Strategies For Peaceful Connection

Facebook can deliver value in many ways, some of them very indirect. For the older generation, the real value is not in what they might post about themselves; its the incredible value of allowing them to stay involved and connected to the everyday lives of their children and grandchildren!

Warning to parents and grandparents: Be careful what you say and where you say it! Warning to children and grandchildren: Be careful what you post!

Have you ever noticed that if you call someone almost every day there is always much to talk about? Subjects like what was made for dinner, or what movie was seen last night. The conversation is easier and although the subjects may seem more trivial, in fact, the communication is actually much more personal. Simply stated, the other person is part of your everyday life.

I need not worry that I am putting trivial information in my profile, since if others don't choose to have a "kitchen table" relationship with me, they shouldn't seek out my profile or read my updates. The choice is theirs!

Parents live through their children and grandchildren. Today's technology allows the framed pictures on the mantel or piano to come alive as a Facebook reality show. No more waiting for the mail to be delivered, or hope that the phone will ring. If your family doesn't pick up the phone often enough, or can't drive and visit you...get connected to them using social media.

But always remember, your participation is a cross generational privilege. Follow these simple rules and your visits will be positive for everyone involved.

Top 10 Do's and Don'ts When Connecting With Your Kids On Facebook

1) Don't snoop or become a detective, but if you can't resist, be careful what you comment on or admit you saw!

2) Do remember if you post back, everyone else may see what you post, so be careful what and where you post and understand how it works before you post.

3) Don't post guilt messages, whether subliminal or not!

4) Don't post an embarrassing picture, even if you can figure out how to post it!

5) Do develop connections with other friends and family

6) Don't perseverate on your kids

7) Do find stuff that your children don't know about, maybe an old article about the family or better yet, older family photos of your parents and relatives.

8) Don't bombard their feed, roles have changed, you are here to listen and watch

9) Don't complain that they don't post often enough

10) Do become a photo archeologist; dig through old family photos, have them scanned and CONTRIBUTE...but always with taste

Georgia McCabe spent 30 years as a Sr. Executive in the co

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