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subject: What should you do when your child misbehaves in front of others? [print this page]

What should you do when your child misbehaves in front of others?

What should you do when your child misbehaves in front of others?

Misbehavior is synonymous with children at times. Can't be helped it's a part of life. But we must realize, when a child misbehaves, it's mainly their way of telling us that something is disturbing them and they just don't know what it is or what to do. Misbehavior seems natural to a child because it is a vent to a struggle going on within. It can take a number of dimensions but it's for a parent to sieve the husk from the chaff and determine the reason why the children have resorted to misbehaving. The following could be some of the causes behind their misbehavior:

Recent changes in a child's life

Reacting to something/ someone they dislike
What should you do when your child misbehaves in front of others?

Seeking Attention

Confused with Parents discipline


The first thing that you must deal with when it comes to dealing with a child that misbehaves in front of others is to make them realize who the boss of the house is. They must know that you are the parent, and as long as you child stays in your house, there are certain rules of the home. Many parents are scared they might lose their children's love if they're too strict and that makes them soft without any strictness. As a result, children grow up without any sense of right or wrong and have no rules to follow as a result of which they do not know what their parent's expect from them. Children with strict parents on the other hand have a healthy sense of judgment, can adjust in any given situation and will also respect you more. Many a time's explaining or threatening a child just doesn't work. So, the next time when it comes to disciplining the child, spell out the rules you expect sternly and remain consistent each time the child forgets and crosses the mark. Set a punishment for disobeying the rules but spend time analyzing with your child why it happened and set expectations for improvised behaviour next time. Children like it when they are spoken to on a one to one basis and appreciated when they follow a behaviour pattern instilled at home. It also makes the parents proud.

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