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subject: Are you Trying to Get Pregnant? There are Factors to Consider - Increase Fertility to Conceive Faster and Easier [print this page]

Are you Trying to Get Pregnant? There are Factors to Consider - Increase Fertility to Conceive Faster and Easier

Are you Trying to Get Pregnant? There are Factors to Consider - Increase Fertility to Conceive Faster and Easier

Are you trying to get pregnant? There are factors to consider. However, there are also problems pertaining to the ovulation of women which is very common.

According to some researcher, women who are following these factors have no fertility problems compared to women who are not following them.

I am referring on how to increase fertility on women. These are the following;
Are you Trying to Get Pregnant? There are Factors to Consider - Increase Fertility to Conceive Faster and Easier

1. Maintain a healthy weight and if you are too heavy, you need to loose weight. If you are thin, you must gain weight. Proper weight can increase your fertility.

A good diet also helps you keep a healthy weight which is a good sign in increasing fertility. Women who are underweight or overweight makes it harder for them to conceive because of the levels of body fat. This has a great impact on the production of sex hormones.

2. Prevent unwanted fats. Examples of these are found on margarine's, fried foods and hydrogenated oil. These fats will only reduce your fertility and won't be able to conceive fast.

3. Stop taking a lot of sugar and refined carbohydrates.

4. Eat more protein from vegetables like beans and all types of lentils. Don't you know that a balanced diet helps us regulate hormones and nourish the reproductive system?

5. Fiber-rich foods are also good especially those that comes from vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

6. Take multi-vitamins, Vitamin C and antioxidants. They can decrease stress on your eggs and reproductive organs.

7. Exercise daily for thirty minutes meaning exercising moderately can help increase fertility. It can also help you burn your unwanted fats that allows your hormones back to normal.

If you combined exercise and healthy diet, you can keep the proper weight which is a sign of fertility increase.

8. Eat fat daily which include 1 cup of whole milk and fat yogurt.

9. Avoid alcoholic beverages. If you drink more, it will reduce your fertility up to 50%.

10. You should avoid foods with caffeine such as cola, chocolate coffee and tea. Those can also decrease fertility to both men and women.

11. Herbs are used to increase fertility naturally. Herbs are potent. However, you have to talk to certified naturopath before you take any natural supplements.

Make a smart decision on eating the right kind of diet. How to increase fertility is taking the right kind of foods and maintaining the proper body weight to be able to conceive faster and easier.

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