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5 Ways To Get Over A Heart Break

Breaking up with your partner is one of the hardest thing and usually most painful experiences in life. I'd rather be amputated than lose my partner.

However, there are simply so many reasons these days for people to break up and go their own ways. In fact thousands of people all over the world are breaking up right now.

What do you do if you are one of them? Well first, think if really want to end the relationship forever. If you've decided to separate, then the next thing to do is to get over the heart break.

Here are ways to do it:


Most people would travel. This allows them some time to drop the strong emotions connected with the break up. Traveling also enables you to get your mind of the situation and open it up to the exciting possibilities in other places. So if you can, then travel for a while.

Start or continue a hobby

Doing something you love will not only take your mind of the experience, it will also slowly build up your confidence as you start doing something creative and build something.


If you have the financial capacity, moving to another place is also a good thing to do. It will get you out of the environment that will continue to remind you of the experience.

Accept the breakup and just cope with life.

A few strong people would be able to cope up with the post breakup heartaches. If you are one of them then simply go on with your life, remember pain heals in time.

Get a rebound relationship

The fastest way to get them out of your life is to replace them.

However, you may notice that I placed this as the last option. There's a good reason why. Looking for a rebound relationship usually ends up with you hurting the person you found. So it is not pretty much advisable. Just do this on extreme cases.

There are also some positive results you can get with rebound relationships. There are times when the "rebound" becomes the lifetime partner.

Now that you have the 5 ways, let me suggest another one. Why not just get back with your ex? Remember 90% or breakups can be easily reversed. That is if you still want to get them back and you know how.

If you've decided to get your ex back then listen carefully.

Plan it as soon as possible, your ex is not going to be around forever...They will eventually find somebody else and they are going to hook up with them...They are going to fall in love, they are going to have on and so forth...

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