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3 Steps to Get over a Breakup Pain

When you experience a breakup, the pain can be overwhelming. It can hurt you in both physical and mental sense, truly hurting your heart. You may be surprised to learn that foods you used to eat for flavor no longer have taste. For some people the pain of the breakup is so unbearable that they feel trapped by the feeling without the ability to get out from underneath it. However, you can get over a breakup and perhaps get your ex back while you are at it.

Instead of staying in bed and feeling sorry for yourself about the breakup, get into the right frame of mind that helps you overcome the sadness you feel. No one said it would be easy but you have to help yourself in this situation. After you have overcome this miserable state, you will feel that life will be worth living once again. Yet, you have to work on 3 important steps to get your life back on the happy track to get over your breakup pain.

(1) Stop Feeling Sorry Things that Happened

The worst thing you can do is stay in a dark room and mope having all those negative thoughts and feelings you are experiencing. Instead, get some light going in that dark room. Go get some positive thinking going through your mind instead. You have to break the emotional baggage cycle to get the positive light to enter your mind, heart and soul. Let real life invade your thoughts but train yourself to have that positive outlook that you know you can have back.

(2) Get Out Of the House

One of the best cures for getting over breakup pain or heartbreak is getting out in public with friends and family. Be with people who care about you and what you are going through. While being away from people may feel safer, it's definitely not the smarter thing to do. When you are vulnerable, people tend to walk all over you because they know you won't care at that moment. Be with people who can help you succeed in getting over the breakup pain and suffering you feel. It's best for you in the long run.

(3) Breaking off Contact with Your Ex

Even if your ultimate goal is to win back your ex, the best way to do this is to break off all contact with them. This means no conversations even about the mundane things. If you have to see each other, such as for work or school, be civil to one another. Giving each other some space lets you both set out your priorities and will confirm if you really want the other person in your life after all. Many breakups don't always lead to getting back together but this is the time to find out if he or she is the one for you.

While these 3 tips are important in getting over a breakup pain it can make you a stronger person too. A breakup can break a spirit but you can bring that spirit back as long as you try and allowed yourself to do so.

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