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subject: How To Cut The Costs Of High Energy Bills [print this page]

How To Cut The Costs Of High Energy Bills

The cold winter months and hot mid-summer months can be some of the most difficult times for your heating and cooling bills. In the cold winter months your furnace is probably running most of the day in order to maintain the temperature of the house. In the hot, humid summer months, your air conditioning unit is also likely running most of the day, generating costly utility bills. If you are in this situation and you've noticed your utility bills have reached unmanageable proportions, there may be solutions.

If you live in an older home, take a look at your windows. Old aluminum window frames with single pane windows are one of the major causes of heat loss in an older home. Their inefficient design makes heating and cooling your home a constant battle, because the temperatures generated by your furnace or air conditioning unit quickly escape through these outdated frames. In fact, according to the Department of Energy, energy loss through windows accounts for 25% of the annual heating and cooling costs in a home. Replacement windows are one of the best long term investments a homeowner can make. Replacing old aluminum windows with double-paned vinyl windows is one of the best ways to cut down expensive energy costs. A double paned window is key in this energy saving. A double paned window consists of two glass panels separated by a small space filled with either air or a nontoxic gas like argon. The space between the two panes helps insulate from heat and cold as well as noise. You'll discover that your old windows let in more noise from your neighborhood than you ever realized once your new replacement windows are installed.

Another common cause of energy loss in a home is your doors. Inefficient doors can be the cause of up to 11% of the energy loss in your home. Even with new weather stripping around your door, if the door itself is not energy efficient, you will still lose precious hot or cold air out of your door. If you find that your old door is a drafty area of your home, it may be time for replacement doors. Finding a door that is built for energy efficiency is essential. But even more important is making sure the door is installed by professionals who will make sure your doorframe is sealed properly so that your door isn't a cause of lost energy. Making sure you have up-to-date energy efficient doors and windows is a major step to reducing pricey energy costs.

by: Art Gib

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