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subject: How to Get Over Limiting Beliefs That Are Holding You Back From Your Desires [print this page]

How to Get Over Limiting Beliefs That Are Holding You Back From Your Desires

We all have limiting beliefs in our lives. They are the beliefs that hold us back from making a move on someone we like or going for that job that we want. They are the beliefs that tell us we can't or shouldn't because we will not succeed anywase so why put in the effort. They are also the beliefs that hold fear over our heads and dangle it in front of our face at every life changing decision.

Limiting beliefs are everywhere and once we form them in our belief system it is hard for us to be open to other beliefs. Beliefs are powerful and they can build our whole existence and how we go about doing things. If we don't believe we can do something then we normally don't try, and if we believe that we are meant to suffer or take abuse then we normally allow that to happen without trying to change the situation.

I could go on and on about limiting beliefs but the bottom line is that limiting beliefs hold us back. Period. And they need to either be pushed through or banished completely from our thought process.

To get passed a thought that tells you that you are not good enough or you won't succeed you have to think positively. You have to see that there is a possibility of the outcome turning out positively and your life moving forward from there.

You can try to physically feel what it will be like to achieve your goal and feel the success as this may be enough to push you forward and at go for the thing you would otherwise avoid. Our emotions and feelings are powerful and if you bathe in the feeling that you would get if you succeed it may be enough to push you to get that feeling for real.

You can use positive thinking that will help you realize the outcome, whether good or bad, will benefit your life in some way. For example, if you are trying to work up the courage to approach someone you have had your eye on then you can assure yourself that the worst that could happen would be that they say no and that in turn will allow you to let go of the constant wondering and anticipation of what they will say and instead relax and enjoy your life. Of course the may say yes and you will be happy that you pushed through your fear and tried!

You can work on your self confidence to get past limiting beliefs and realize that even if you don't succeed with the exact outcome you want, you can still push towards other things that resemble what you want and will make you equally as happy. If you have self confidence in your abilities then you will know that failure doesn't mean you fail, it just means you have learned that this way didn't work out and there is another way to use your abilities to achieve success. It has nothing to do with you but more to do with what works and what doesn't.

And the best thing you can do is to banish limiting beliefs completely by constantly replacing them with another belief.

For example, if you believe that you could never run a marathon then you will most likely not start training for a marathon, even if you want to. But if you constantly replace that belief, every time it pops into your head, with "If I trained hard enough I can run a marathon!" then you will eventually believe what you are saying and start training and working towards the goal of running a marathon.

Limiting beliefs are passed down from our family members, friends, and even strangers. If we tell ourselves something enough times we will eventually believe it. Our mission should be to remove limiting beliefs and instead fill our lives up with beliefs that allow us to be the best and live the best we can.

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