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The Best Nightclubs In Sydney, Australia - Tunnel Nightclub - Review

The Best Nightclubs In Sydney, Australia - Tunnel Nightclub - Review

My very first clubbing experience at The Tunnel was something to remember. The full moon was out and the atmosphere had set up the night that unleashed party animals on the loose.

The streets of Kings Cross were filled with drunken youths, scattered around looking for the next best place to party. I followed the crowd into Tunnel and noticed that the club was packed at maximum capacity, this was a good sign. The underground venue served its purpose as everyone around me was having a good time.

After a few drinks, I was relaxed enough to dance. The DJ played old school rnb grungy tunes, and everyone was literally getting down and dirty. I spotted one couple grinding on the dance floor and this turned a few heads as well as mine. It was getting hot in there, everyone was touching awkward places which began to get a bit weird but no one cared. I noticed a small crowd around the boundaries of the dance floor, I assume that these guys were on the prowl, observing everyone to find their next pick up.

I learned that the toilets were a spot where all the girls catch up to chat and take photos. I walked in and quickly found myself being the photographer, taking photos of girls and later being in the photos myself, mind you I have absolutely no idea who these people were. That was an interesting experience, but a great way to meet new people.

As the night progressed I was expecting the troubled reputation of Kings Cross to come into place, but The Tunnel didn't live up too it. I think everyone was having too much fun dancing to think about starting trouble which was a plus. I found that the crowd was very much a display of people looking their very best. Everyone was friendly and it is a nightclub that I would personally revisit for a fun night out.

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