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subject: Paying Off Debt With A Little Help [print this page]

In the current economy it is more important than ever to eliminate debt and build up a savings account of some kind. Financial experts recommend speaking to a consumer credit counseling service to help those in debt to make a plan for paying off their high interest credit card debt including the possibility of combining several credit card balances into a single monthly payment through a credit card debt consolidation program.

Unfortunately, the majority of Americans have some form of credit card debt and on average the American consumer has a balance of ten thousand dollars that they owe to credit card issuers. Many of these outstanding balances owed by people are only paid down by the smallest of amounts. With the minimal payment due made each month the amount of the outstanding debt never seems to decrease and with interest being accrued daily the balance on a credit card debt can climb very quickly.

While there are some people that have a handle on their debt and do a good job of managing their money there are many others that have no idea how to gain a financial foothold that will help them to payoff their debts and start putting a little money aside into a savings account. For these people and everyone that wants to learn more about proper financial management there is free help with credit card debt available to those that are seeking a way to get out of debt.

When looking for a consumer credit counseling service people should be aware that they will want to find an accredited debt management counselor that is a member of the National Foundation for Debt Management and that offers non profit credit counseling services to help them to consolidate or negotiate their credit card interest rates so that they will be able to reduce the debt that they owe more quickly.

By seeking the counsel of professional debt management and consumer credit counseling services the average person can discover that they are not helpless when it comes to understanding their credit and managing their money. With the education and discipline that comes from paying off credit card debt and not spending any more on credit card purchases it is possible to navigate your way out of debt and avoid future monetary problems that are associated with consumer spending and bad debts to creditors. Only by watching what you spend and knowing exactly what is coming into your hands through your paycheck can you begin to make wise decisions about money and how to use it properly to gain the things you want and avoid the financial pitfalls of credit card spending.

by: Art Gib

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