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subject: Vail Physicians That Will Assist You With Your Injuries [print this page]

Vail Physicians That Will Assist You With Your Injuries

Vail Physicians That Will Assist You With Your Injuries

Vail physicians are some of the greatest medical practitioners in the field of orthopedic surgery and sports medicine that you could run to in the United States. Aside from Vail, they also have 2 other locations namely, Frisco and Edwards, from which they practice their knowledge. Through the years, they have maintained the highest quality service for their patients and are still desiring to do so to maintain the high values that they have always been known for.

Among the Vail physicians that are providing their services, day or night, at their various locations are:

Paul J. Abbott Jr., MD - He has been a member of Vail Orthopedics since 1993 and believes in the emphasis of educating his patients on what the problems are, how it can be cured and how to keep it off permanently. He has the knowledge to treat you through physical therapy thereby avoiding the need for an costly surgery. He also uses medicine sensibly and is a believer of alternative medicine. Although he will consider and operation as a last resort, he is an expert at it since he has been trained as a surgeon.

John E. Gottlieb, MD - Joining Vail Summit Orthopedics in 1979, he became known as an cutting-edge and active knee surgeon throughout the country. He has done more ACL reconstructions than any other surgeon anywhere in the world and has contributed his expertise to a national study recently.

Todd Peters, MD - Dr. Peters is relatively a newcomer as he only came to Vail in 2001. However, it does not mean that he is an inferior physician. He is keen on treating patients with surgical and non surgical atraumatic minimally invasive operations using the latest methods and technology. He is also well knowledged in the most advanced techniques on surgical and total joint operations, making him one of the most beloved Vail physicians at present.

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