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subject: Moving with Kids? How to Help Toddlers Prepare for Moving Day [print this page]

Moving with Kids? How to Help Toddlers Prepare for Moving Day

Moving with Kids? How to Help Toddlers Prepare for Moving Day

Imagine you are a little child and all of a sudden mommy and

daddy have boxes everywhere; and are creating utter chaos all around the

home. You see mommy putting your Elmo doll inside of a really big box,
Moving with Kids? How to Help Toddlers Prepare for Moving Day

along with all your cars. "What is going on you think!" The house is

not in the same order, mommy and daddy seem stressed out, everything is

being taken out of drawers, and your toys are going away in all these

cardboard boxes. As you can see, all of the commotion and excitement can

be scary for a child who doesn't understand the concept of "moving."

The good news is you can help your child not be scared about moving with

a little preparation. A wonderful way to help children reduce stress of

moving is to read short children stories about packing and moving well

in advance of your move. This helps kids mentally understand the

process, why it is happening, and what they can expect once you move.

Basically reading children stories about moving helps helps kids know

that mommy and daddy will still be there for them and they will be safe

and happy in their new home.

I suggest reading stories about moving that cover a variety of topics

about moving such as making new friends, packing boxes, living in a new

house, what does moving mean and leaving the old house.

Be sure to have an upbeat tone when you are reading the short children

stories to your kids about moving. As you probably already know, kids

are very perceptive. If their mommy is stressed, they will pick this up.

Overall, reading stories to your kids about moving and relocating can

help make the process fun, less scary and it can be very helpful for


Some good short stories for children about moving are:

1. I'm Moving, by Martha Whitmore Hickman

2. Moving House, by Usborne First Experiences

3. The Big Day. Moving to a New House, by Nicola Barber

4. Goodbye House, by Frank Asch.

5. Goodbye House, by Robin Ballard

6. It's Moving Day, by Pamela Hickman

7. Moving Day, by Tobi Tobias

8. Moving Molly, Shirley Hughes

9. Let's Talk About Moving To a New Place, By Diane Star Helmer

Enjoy your move and hope this tips help your toddler adjust well to


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