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Kids Fish Oil and How To Select The Purest and Most Effective Fish Oil Supplements

Kids Fish Oil and How To Select The Purest and Most Effective Fish Oil Supplements

When it comes to kids fish oil, there are some essential things to look out for, especially regarding traces of toxins that are found in many today. Discover what you need to know and play a part in significantly improving your kids development.

I believe that oils specifically designed for children are not the best option as they contain unnecessary additives like flavourings and coloring. They are generally not as pure as some of the best oils either.

Many kids fish oil supplements have not been molecularly distilled which is the process whereby all the toxins like mercury and lead are removed. The purest and freshest oils will offer far more benefits and not have any unwanted side effects.
Kids Fish Oil and How To Select The Purest and Most Effective Fish Oil Supplements

With the purest oil, you should also not have a problem with any unpleasant fishy burps or odor! If your child cannot swallow yet, then you can pierce the capsule and squeeze into their morning drink as I do.

It should not smell fishy but just have a faint ocean aroma and hopefully then you won't get any of the complaints that are common with poor quality oils.

The two omega 3 fats that are most important are DHA and EPA. Although almost all kids fish oil contains more EPA, it is in fact DHA that provides most of the benefits.

It is this fat that helps to improve their cognitive awareness, vocabulary, hand-eye coordination and even raise their IQ.

They are also beneficial for children with autism and ADHD as they can improve concentration and behavioural issues too, as many recent studies have shown. One even concluded that after six months on these oils, 7% of autistic children displayed no autistic tendencies at all!

To select the best ones, check the label or website to ensure they have been distilled and look for at least 270mg of DHA in each standard 1000mg capsule or soft gel for the maximum benefits.

A 2:1 ratio of DHA to EPA is optimal and one capsule a day up to the age of 10-12 is recommended.

When you realize that the brain is made up of a high percentage of DHA omega 3 fats and that most adults and children are deficient in them as the body cannot make them, it is easy to see why the right fish oils are so essential.

If you would like to learn more about the pure DHA fish oil supplements I personally take and give to my kids daily, visit my website below.

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