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Car Insurance Claim Tips From Greenville Honda

Car Insurance Claim Tips From Greenville Honda

Car accidents are often unavoidable. The same can be said about dealing with the insurance company following an accident. As a general rule, both situations are less than pleasant, however it is important for drivers to understand what to do after an accident and how to handle an insurance claim. Here at Greenville Honda, we want to help our customers better handle the aftermath of an auto accident with the following tips.

Review your insurance policy- Become familiar with what your insurance provider expects before an accident occurs. Learning about these details may seem insignificant at the time, however Honda dealers in South Carolina remind drivers that after an accident, the parties involved are often shaken. It may help to keep a list of steps in your glove box with other insurance information to help you remember what should be done immediately after an accident.

Notify the police and insurance company- Contact the police to report the accident followed by your insurance company. When you file your insurance claim you may be required to provide a copy of the police report and your insurance company certainly wants to know as soon as possible so they can begin the claim process. Keep relevant insurance information easily accessible in the event of an accident.

Understand the claim process- South Carolina Honda dealers encourage drivers to not only understand their policy before an accident but also the claim process. By knowing what to expect and following the procedure to ensure all relevant information is delivered properly, the chances of your vehicle being repaired quickly and with minimum out-of-pocket expense increases. It is also important to learn when a claim may cost you more money with increased premiums and little financial benefit for the accident itself. For example, in some cases a very minor accident is best handled by the drivers versus filing insurance claims that do not really save each party a lot of money. Knowing when a claim is necessary and how to handle that claim allows the insured party maximum benefit at minimum cost.

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