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How Can Online Press Releases Help Your Website?

How Can Online Press Releases Help Your Website?

How Can Online Press Releases Help Your Website?

Think press release are only for big companies with lots of money - think again! In the new world of online marketing the Press Release can become a very important component to your overall marketing strategy, no matter what size your business is.

It is true, in another time, not so long ago, the press release was only for the big companies with large advertising budgets. To really utilize this piece of the marketing pie you hired a PR firm which then spent hundreds of hours writing and then researching appropriate news outlets and magazines to send your press release to. The agency had the contacts needed to at least get your release on the list for review and if it was interesting, newsworthy and well-written then it would get published. But what thenhow did you know if it helped your business or not?

In the digital world of marketing using press releases has become an important way for all businesses big and small to support brand awareness, generate publicity and help drive traffic to their websites. It isn't just for big companies with deep marketing pockets anymore. And better yet you are able to track what happens once the press release has been posted! Who came to your website? Where did they come from? Who picked up your press release?

Now more than ever making sure you have a holistic online marketing strategy - taking advantage of every online marketing option is critical. Understanding that a press release can be aimed at your specific target market thus allowing your message to make the largest impact is the first step. The next is knowing that by putting out an online press release there are search engine optimization advantages. Press releases are fresh content, which search engine spiders LOVE! It entices them to want to come back to your site more often to look for additional copy and information.

But when should you write a press release? Press releases should only be released when you honestly have something to tell people - such as:

" Charity Events

" New product launches

" Company Launches or mergers

" Staffing Additions or Changes

" Seasonal Sales or Announcements

" Conventions (Attendance to or Sponsorship of)

Using online Press Release distribution services like Business Wire, PRNewswire or PR Web allows you to add images and keyword specific back links to your website that will help in building your ranking on the top pages of the search engines. You also may want to join forces with an agency that understands how to write a press release and distribute it. Having it back link correctly to your website utilizing the best keyword phrases as anchor text is critical to maximize the SEO benefit.

So although there will be some cost involved in writing and distributing a press release, the opportunity to get a huge return on your investment makes it worth every penny!

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