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5 Biblical Keys Review

Can you honestly say that you're enjoying your life ...or do you want to do something about changing your life for the better?

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We all want to change our lives to some extent, but some people want a MAJOR OVERHAUL... In fact, some people need a major overhaul!

What about YOU? How drastically do you want to make a change?I realize you may have been searching for information about how to change your life ...and I'll just guess that the answers you've found are extremely vague, and left you unclear about how to go about it!

The "Prosperity Gospel" has been greatly criticized; however, not ALL teachings about how to change your life are "evil!" Just because I'm going to teach how to change your life effectively by pointing you to some extremely powerful truths in the Bible (and how to apply them), doesn't mean you should just pass me off for another one of those "evil" prosperity gospel preachers!

Now, I'm NOT saying that every prosperity gospel preacher is evil... I'm saying that most

of them are considered evil by many people who have a "some what of a narrow-minded

view" of Scripture!

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We both know there are many preachers who preach AGAINST your Prosperity... and even your "well-being!" Obviously, those kind of people are certainly NOT going to teach you anything about how to change your life for the better!

Well, not only am I here to tell you that you SHOULD prosper... by doing well, and being well... I'm here to teach you about true prosperity! Do you realize Jesus preached a true prosperity gospel ...and no one during His time on earth was criticized more!

Now let me make it clear... even though I'll be using quite a bit of reference to Scripture, I get

the fact that you may or may not be a follower of Christ, or a "Christian" like I am! That's NOT what this message is aimed at, so relax! My message is simply about how you can change your life for the better so you can fully enjoy your life ...and be an effective example for others!

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