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subject: Are You Afraid Of Home Based Business Success Or Failure? [print this page]

Are You Afraid Of Home Based Business Success Or Failure?

When you start a home based business, two things happen. First, your nerves fire up and let you know what losing sleep feels like. Then comes the second part; a fear of failure. The nerves can be calmed with time and a few deep breathing exercises. But how do you deal with that nagging fear? Here are a couple of tips to get you through it.

Fear of failure -

At the beginning, there will be doubts and fears. Let's face it; you probably have a substantial financial stake in this and it's a scary thing. You have exposed your weak spot and are vulnerable. This is part of the process and we, as humans, do not deal well with the unknown. The best thing you can do at this time is to surround yourself with a business team you KNOW you can trust. Add a supportive family and you're on the way to your dream(s).

Do not let that irrational fear of the unknown stop you from achieving your dream of financial independence. Remember the excitement you felt when you got the idea and did your research? Bring all that to mind and use positive affirmations to build yourself up and know that you will emerge victorious.

Fear of success -

Now this sounds like a contradiction in terms doesn't it? Who in their right mind would be afraid of success? In reality, a lot more than you would think have this fear. It comes from the base of "What happens if my business really takes off? Am I ready for that?"

Well, the best defense is an awesome offense. First, gather your business partners and put your heads together. Figure out your responses BEFORE things start happening. In other words, have a business plan. After all, an architect can't erect a building without a blueprint, can he? No, he can't because he needs to know each step before he takes it. So do you and so does your business.

Your business needs to grow at a pace that is comfortable and doesn't overwhelm you. This is another area where planning is the way to go. If you know your reactions ahead of time, you will never be taken by surprise. Recall the story of the three little pigs? Be like piggy #3 and plan ahead.

Of course it always helps to have a family that supports you, so bring your family on board. Let them know that you need their approval and support all day, every day. Keep them up on improvements and positive things, because if you succeed, THEY succeed, right? Make them feel like a part of what you are doing and they will pitch in gladly.

As your business begins to grow, it will be a little rough for a little while. Even though you have planned and plotted your success, you will need to acclimate yourself to the situation. This is natural and will take care of itself with time. The fear and anxiety will jump up and make you feel like you can't handle it. You can and you will.

A fear of success is part of the natural progression in opening a new business. It is, however, not necessary to respond to it. Make the choice to keep moving forward.

by: Chris Simpson

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