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Remortgages As 2009 Closes

It is now the end of 2009, and as a new year approaches it seems a fit time to consider the remortgages situation at the end of this current year.Remortgages have been at an all time low for those with a good equity margin in their property.As such, for those with a suitable amount of equity 2009 has made it a better time to enquire about remortgages than at any previous period.Homeowners want an element of certainty in their lives at a time when the country is in a state if economic turbulance, and this has lead to many remaining with their existing mortgage provider.This means that many a mortgage payer is actually paying through the nose by remaining with their current lender at their standard variable rate, but it is understandable that in times of uncertainty homeowners feel safer remaining with the devil they know.Staying with the existing lender is an expensive decision as rates are available from 1.98% on a tracker remortgage at 60% loan to value or LTV as it is commonly called.This means that if a property is worth 260,000 must hav 40% taken away from this sum which would be80,000 and as such if someone owns their property and need a remortgage of £120;,000 or less he is eligible for this low 1.98% remortgage rate.This is of course subject to additional underwriting criteria such as equity, status, etc.For homeowners with at least a 30% deposit interest rate at 1.99% are available.With this sum of available equity if a property is valued at £250;,000 a remortgage of up to 175,000 would be available.Homeowners who are about to come out of their existing mortgage product should seek remortgage quotations from other lenders.Hopefully 2010 will show economic improvements that will give people the confidence to really search out the best remortgages for them.Another consideration is to whether a tracker remortgage or a fixed rate remortgage is preferable.When the credit crisis commenced many homeowners opted for a fixed rate remortgage.When the economy is unsettled and bleak people want to know how much they will pay for their mortgage for a set time.A fixed rate is, as it says set, at the exact same repayment for the fixed period ehich is normally two or three years, although fixed rates from twelve to sixty months are available.As the recession progessed and experts predicted that the Bank of England Base Rate would remain at 0.05% making the tracker remortgage so cheap, homeowners drifted away from the fixed rates and opted for the tracker products which are considerably less expensive.This current year has been a series of ups and downs for remortgages which in August were at their lowest rates since records started being kept in 2002.Hopefully the start of 2010 will see homeowners applying for the low interest rate remortgages for which they are eligible.

Remortgages As 2009 Closes

By: Liz Moir

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