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Children's toys given to victim of bullying

Children's toys given to victim of bullying

A young girl who suffers from Huntington's disease and who was bullied as a result has been given the opportunity to go on a shopping spree for children's toys.

Kathleen Edward, who is seven years old, was driven to a store that specialises in selling kids' toys.

Not only did she get to significantly boost the contents of her playroom, but the youngster also spent the day in style. Unlike most of her fellow shoppers in Ann Arbor, she was driven to the location in a white limousine.

Also, before getting into the vehicle, she walked along a red carpet while well wishers tossed red rose petals at her and the crowd cheered.

In addition, she even had an escort provided by local police officers.

Commenting on Kathleen's experience, her grandmother Rebecca Rose said: "She always smiles, but I've never seen her smile like this."

Her two-hour retail extravaganza was funded by the donations of people across the world, which totalled thousands of dollars.

While picking out her children's toys, the youngster was accompanied by her father, stepmother, grandmother, two aunts, four cousins and another girl who also has Huntington's disease.

The first item she picked up was a frog, because she knew her dad likes them. Commenting on his daughter, Robert Edward said: "She's the most caring person in the world. She's always thinking of others."

Meanwhile, other goodies that were collected included dollhouses and the dolls to go in them. In addition, items were picked up for her two younger sisters, who did not make the trip.

However, the story behind why she was given the chance to get so many kid's toys is not such a happy one.

She was taunted by neighbours because of her medical condition. Huntington's disease is an inherited disease of the brain and, as yet, there is no cure for it. It damages the nerve cells in the brain, causing a gradual loss of function in areas of the brain. As a result, movement, cognition and behaviour are affected.

Both men and women can inherit the condition and there are around 6,000 sufferers in the UK at present.

Kathleen's mother died as a result of the disease last year and her grandfather also lost his life because of it.

Responding to her case, Hans Masing, who is the owner of Tree Town Toys, said he could sympathise because he was bullied too when he was young.

He stated: "I empathise with Kathleen and her family about what they are going through."

The money that was left over from the excursion was used to buy toys for children at the C S Mott Children's Hospital at the University of Michigan, as well as kids in hospices and other youngsters in the area who have Huntington's disease.

Kathleen's father remarked: "Let's benefit some other kids, too. She's not the only one suffering."

Hospitals and other such institutions that provide care for children often collect toys for them to use while they are in the centres because they help to keep them entertained.

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