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subject: Cosmetic Dentistry Allows For An Enhanced Smile [print this page]

Are you looking to improve the appearance of your teeth, mouth and smile? If so, cosmetic dentistry can address your desired needs. Cosmetic dentistry provides many restorative benefits for your teeth, such as dental fillings to treat decayed teeth. Today, dental fillings may fall into the category of cosmetic dentistry because you can select fillings made of porcelain or composite materials that can closely match the color of your teeth. This allows you to maintain the natural appearance of your teeth and smile, while treating your dental needs.

With advances in technology, natural-looking, tooth-colored dental materials make today's cosmetic dental treatments more durable and predictable than in the past years. You may even decide to have your older fillings replaced with newer, tooth-colored fillings in order to enhance your smile. In addition to the close attention of your dentist to the appearance of your dental work, cosmetic dentistry includes all of the fundamental requirements to proper dental care.

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is all about improving your smile. Everyone is unique in some way, but the defining feature of your smile is what unites us all. Looking and feeling good do not have to be about counting calories or changing your wardrobe. Cosmetic dentistry can give you the smile you have always been looking for so that you can feel great about the way that you look.

There are several different choices to enhance your smile through cosmetic dentistry, including:



Dental bridges



All of these procedures allow you to achieve the smile that you have always desired. Each treatment is designed to improve the appearance of your teeth, leaving you with a good reason to smile. Cosmetic dentistry offers an array of safe and transforming options for people who are unhappy with their smile. If you are one of the many people that are unhappy with your smile, you are encouraged to visit your local Encino cosmetic dentist for further consultation.

Whiten your Smile with the Help of your Encino Cosmetic Dentist

There is a wide range of individuals who whiten their teeth in order to brighten their discolored smile. Common among smokers, stained teeth are also common for those who consume beverages such as coffee, tea, or red wine. Teeth-whitening, depending on the method you choose, can be completed in a single appointment or up to two weeks. Your dentist will offer chair-side treatments, such as laser whitening - a powerful and fast-acting in-office whitening solution. You may also be able to get at-home-treatment from your dentist as well. This will allow you to whiten your teeth in the comfort of your own home, but with supervision from your dentist to achieve a successful whitening experience.

Achieve a Hollywood Smile with Veneers

Porcelain veneers are thin laminates or shells that are approximately the same thickness as a contact lens. The thinness of the veneer allows for accurate alterations without feeling the difference. Fitted to the front surface of your existing teeth, your dentist will create a uniform look by disguising stained, damaged, or crooked teeth. Veneers can also cover up small gaps between your teeth, by closing them. Veneers can be completed quickly and are both aesthetically pleasing and physically durable, which maintains their look and feel for a significant period of time. This procedure appears to be the most popular of cosmetic dentistry procedures.

Cosmetic dentistry offers a wide array of options for those who are not pleased with the look of their smile. If you are unhappy with the look of your teeth and are ashamed to smile, you are encouraged to visit your dentist in Encino, CA for further cosmetic treatment and consultation. Your brighter, healthier smile is within reach.

by: Gen Wright

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