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subject: Vegas Power Washing Company - Las Vegas Window Cleaning [print this page]

Consider this: you hire a Las Vegas window cleaning company, they come over, but one of the cleaners gets hurt. Someone falls off a ladder or something happens, and the next thing you know you're getting sued. Why did this happen? People don't even expect this when a company comes over. All they expect is the service to be performed and everything to be done to high safety standards. So one of the things you need to be sure of when you call a Las Vegas window cleaning company is do they have high safety standards. A window cleaning company needs to have Osha standards. They need to be safe on ladders, they need to be safe on any lifts that they might be using. They need to be safe with any poles that they might be using on the job.

They need to have workers comp - it's so important that a company has workers comp - so that if a window cleaner does get hurt, they use the workers comp insurance instead of suing your homeowners insurance. As long as they're properly insurance and they're complying with osha standards, you should be fine, you should be working with a highly safety-approved company.

One of the best ways to pick a Las Vegas window cleaning company is through customer reviews and ratings. If you already know the window cleaning company you're thinking about using, I highly recommend you go to their website, because they'll usually have reviews from their current customers, and a lot of the time if you contact that Las Vegas company directly they will give you references of their customers - you can actually talk to someone on the phone, which is very important. I would highly recommend that you would ask them for references so that you can call their customers that use them and ask them whatever questions you would like.

If you don't have an idea of which window cleaning company you want to use, I highly recommend you go to service magic. Go to and you'll have many choices from qualified companies. They will have many vendors in the field that you're looking for and the services that you're looking for, and they will have customer reviews and ratings, and you'll be able to see exactly what people are saying about them and make a decision on which window cleaning company you would like to use.

Let's say a Las Vegas power washing or window cleaning company comes over, washes or power washes your windows, they look sparkling clean, but then you need your screens cleaned. Well, you can either have them clean the screens for you, or you can do it yourself. And let me give you some tips on how to clean your screens:

First off, let me tell you what not to do: Don't power wash your screens. If you power wash your screens you're going to have problems. You're going to have marks that go back and forth on the screens, and that's from the power washer. Worse, it could ruin your screen completely and rip holes into it. You do not want to power wash your screens. If you wash them with soap and water they would look alright, but a lot of the time you have muddy spots and muddy streaks on the screen, it doesn't get them the way you want them to turn out because they're so dirty.

The best way to clean the screen: You need a soft bristle brush that is firm. You can get it at your local hardware store. If you brush them and you start from the corners, you'll be able to get the screen looking really nice. Just brush both sides of the screen, and if you want to further protect your screens after cleaning them, I recommend highly 303 protectant. You can find that online. You could use armor-all, but it doesn't work as well, It's very important that you do keep up your screens. And again, if this is too much of a hassle to do yourself, I highly recommend you hire a Las Vegas power washing and window cleaning company to do that for you so that you don't have to worry about it.

by: John Stevenson

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