subject: Try These Methods For Parenting Your Teenagers [print this page] Try These Methods For Parenting Your Teenagers
When parenting teenagers, it can often seem like there is hardly any common ground. You may feel as though your cooperative, eager to please child has turned into a devilishly rebellious teen overnight. When you realize your child is no longer communicating with you is when it's time to invent new strategies.Don't lose control, this is a mistake too many parents often make. If you react too emotionally when your teen says or does something wrong you are only acting like they are rather than as an adult should. It may not seem like they want it but most teens still need your guidance. When you begin to feel overwhelmed, take a breath before you react. Whenever possible put some distance between your child and yourself. Wait until you are rational before you resume the discussion. As you parent your teen it's imperative that you not stoop to their level of maturity. There will be power struggles. Pick your battles carefully. On one hand you'll need to give them more freedom than they had as little kids in order to develop a sense of self. However, you will find it necessary to set the ground rules in order for them to have something to challenge and grow from. As a rule, you should give them choices whenever possible, as this is something they need to grow up. Parenting teens is not easy, you do have to find a good balance of allowing freedom and being the authority figure.It is within your scope of ability as an adult to say no from time to time. What's important is that you make it clear to them that you still care about them and love them even when you don't approve of their actions. This means that if you have to discipline them or set limits that they don't like, you should do this from a positive or at least neutral state, and not one of anger. Anger is not the way to introduce rules. You have to maintain the position as the parent who knows what's best, but who still loves their child. This is not always an easy task, but it's one of the challenges of parenting teenagers that must be dealt with. You can overcome almost any parenting challenge with patience. It is important for you to stay involved in their lives despite the difficult times. The suggestions given here will help you get the lines of communication flowing with your teenager.
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