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Gallstones Treatment Natural Ways to Get Rid of Stones in Gallbladder

Gallstones treatment natural ways to get rid of stones in gallbladder

Do you feel uncomfortable with gallstones? Don't worry, there is a treatment for gallstones which makes use of natural home remedies and removes them. Are you suffering from severe pain in the upper abdomen, pain in the back between shoulder blades and indigestion problems? If so you may have gallstones, as these are the symptoms of these stones. Gallstones form when the liquid in the gallbladder gets trapped and harden into stone- like material. This liquid is called bile and it is needed for digestion of fat. When gallbladder is unable to contract and push stored bile into small intestine, the trapped bile turns into gallstones. Your skin color and color of white of the eyes may change and you may have feelings of nausea and vomiting and your stools may be clay-like accompanied by dark colored urine.

If you have consultations with a doctor, he will ask you to have your gallbladder removed surgically. It is not necessary, as treating gallstones naturally with natural medicines is effective and without causing side effects. Obesity, excess estrogen and cholesterol, fasting, belonging to female species and being over 60 years are the causes of this condition.

Types of gallstones which could be removed easily are

cholesterol gallstones

calcium gallstones

asymptomatic gallstones

pigment gallstones

small & large gallstones

multiple gallstones

black gallstones

bilirubin gallstones

malic acid gallstones

Simple Natural Gallstones Treatments Cholesterol stones, pigment stones and mixed stones can be treated naturally, without surgery. Avoid junk food and have healthy diet and reduce your carbohydrate intake. Do exercises regularly and eat nuts and vegetables.

Drink Quebra Pedra in the form of tea to get relief. But you have to do it for a month. For quick cure drink apple juice for two days and on the second day night drink the concoction of 3 ounces of fresh squeezed lemon and 3 ounces of dark olive oil and you will pass these stones on the third day.

Nature has all the cures

Nature has all the cures but we rarely seek nature's help ,you can get rid of gallstones with the help of nature .

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