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subject: Estate Planning The Key Areas To Be Dealt With [print this page]

There is no dearth of people who either do not consider estate planning having major consequences or they fail to realize its basic ingredients. Key areas to be dealt with in estate planning have been clearly defined by the Financial Planning Standard Board.

Post retirement financial planning and clearing off outstanding financial debts are the major area that is taken care of with effective estate planning. In addition such planning could involve other contingent expenses like medical bills or accidental insurances. Key areas of estate planning have been clearly demarcated by the financial Planning Standards Board.

Financial position of the estate owner is the first of all considerations. Assessment of the personal resources that are available in order to examine the net worth as well as the household cash flow constitutes the essential part of the financial position of a person. Adding the assets available in the personal control of the estate owner and thereafter deducting the liabilities they hold helps the estate planning attorney calculate the financial position of the estate owner perfectly.

Examples of such calculations could be something like this. Supposing the estate owner in Orange County owns a house, a ranch, some other real estate properties, a business, car, and insurance policies. Attorney calculating the assets will value them and add them up to arrive at the gross value of the assets the estate owner holds. Deductions will be liabilities like the household expenses, utility bills, car maintenance, business management expenses, property security bills, and insurance premiums and all related expenses. Faithfully the attorney would add them together to arrive at the total liabilities.

Once the liabilities and assets of the estate owner is determined with accuracy, the next step for the trust planning attorney would be deducting the liabilities from the approximate value of the assets and find out the difference that would be net assets of the estate owner. Such net estate would be the subject matter of the estate planning. Formulae for net asset determination in all cases are identical, deducting the overall liabilities from overall asset values and finding out the differences. Finding out such difference helps the attorney in preparing qualitative estate planning.

by: Peter Gitundu

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