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Pediatric Orthodontic Evaluation and Treatment

Orthodontic issues are very common in children. Pediatric orthodontic evaluation and treatment at an early age would help to easily correct dental anomalies in children and give them an improved smile. Orthodontic evaluation and treatment at the right time also protects your child from complex dental irregularities in the future.

Importance of Pediatric Orthodontic Evaluation

Researches have proven that orthodontic problems in children can be easily corrected at a younger age, as their bones are flexible and still in the developing stage. The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) suggests that children should necessarily have an orthodontic evaluation at the age of 7 years. In most cases, instant treatment may not be necessary at this age. The appropriate time to start the treatment mainly depends on the type of malocclusion. However, through evaluation the orthodontists can analyze and observe the intensity of the particular teeth disorder and decide on effective treatment solutions.

Overview of Pediatric Orthodontic Procedures

Pediatric orthodontic treatments are carried out in two phases -- the active phase and the retention phase. In the active phase, orthodontic braces are recommended to correct the teeth alignment. These braces apply a mild pressure to gently move the teeth to straighter positions. Retention phase involves the use of retainers which would help fix the teeth in their new straight positions.

Generally, these treatment procedures can be completed within one to three years. However, the duration might vary according to the severity of dental irregularities and individual cases.

How the Treatment Benefits Your Child

Through pediatric orthodontic treatment, children can obtain comfortable and permanent solutions even for complicated dental malocclusions such as openbites, underbites, crossbites, overbites, crooked teeth, protruding teeth, widely spaced teeth and overcrowded teeth. Healthy teeth also improves the physical health of your child by getting rid of gum diseases, tooth loss, abnormal wear of tooth surface, speech impairments, chewing troubles and digestion disorders.

Excellent dental health and physical fitness make children more dynamic, enabling them to approach academic and outdoor activities with new vigor.

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