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subject: Alleviate Your Dental Anxieties With Help From Your Gainesville Dentist [print this page]

Dental anxiety and phobia are disorders that cause people to avoid going to the dentist for important dental treatments. If you suffer from dental anxiety you might experience increased stress and nervousness when at the dental office, causing you to be reluctant to visit the dentist. People with dental anxiety or phobia have a higher risk of gum disease and tooth loss because they avoid the necessary treatments that only a dentist can provide to prevent and eliminate their risk.

If you fear the dentist, you are not alone. About 80 percent of adult Americans fear the dentist with more than half saying this fear may keep them from seeing a dentist for the necessary, important treatments. Even more troubling is the fact that neglecting dental care can lead to serious health problems such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Not only is your oral health affected by dental anxiety, but your overall health is as well.

Reduce your Anxiety Levels with Proper Communication

It is proven that one of the most important factors for overcoming dental anxiety is good dentist-patient communication. Experiencing some level of anxiety when visiting your dentist is natural, but if that personal anxiety is preventing access to needed dental care, you should discuss your anxiety with your dentist.

Establishing trust and keeping patients informed throughout a visit to the dentist helps in calming dental anxiety. One option for patients is to use hand signals with the dentist throughout a procedure in order to signify discomfort or other variables. With hand signals, the patient can alert the dentist to stop the procedure and find a solution to whatever anxiety is bothering you.

Some other options for eliminating your anxiety include:

Share your fears.

Focus on breathing regularly and slowly during dental procedures.

If the sound of the drill bothers you, ask your dentist for options to tune out the noise such as music players.

Avoid caffeine before a dental appointment.

Eat high-protein foods which produce a calming effect.

Try to choose a time for your dental visit when you are less likely to be rushed or under pressure.

Ask for recommendations for a dentist from your friends and relatives.

Reasons for Developing Dental Anxieties

There are numerous causes of dental anxiety, including factors both related and unrelated to dentistry. Some reasons may include:

Fear of pain

Feelings of helplessness and loss of control

Embarrassment or shame about the look and condition of the teeth

Past bad experiences

History of abuse

Observational or vicarious learning

Post-traumatic stress

Fear of needles

Adverse effects of medication or ineffectiveness in providing relief from anxiety and pain

It is important to realize that others share the same fears as you and are ready to help you overcome them through various procedures. If you are suffering from dental anxiety, speak with your dentist today to establish a line of open communication. Your dentist will be able to work with you to lower or eliminate your anxieties, providing you with quality dental health care.

by: Gen Wright

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