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subject: Yoga Marketing How To Build A Website To Market Yoga Online Part 3 [print this page]

Most yoga teachers and yoga studios have pretty nice websites. That is great but the problem is most of this websites don't bring sale. Those who gain success in yoga marketing through the web have learned simple techniques to market yoga website, so that appears on the first page of search engine results.

People now use the Internet in the same manner as their yellow pages phonebook a decade or two ago. They simply input into search engines relevant keywords in the search box to find the information they need and rarely pass first page of Google search. So knowing those simple strategies is a must for your yoga business.

Marketing yoga online begins by creating a website.

I highly recommend using Wordpress as your content management system.

Remember do not simply ask someone with knowledge of web design to create a pretty website. No matter how pretty it is, without the right content, it still will not earn a top spot in search engines. The program Wordpress is widely used online for its affordability and speed which would surely keep your website up and running, plus Google favours WordPress.

Find an already established website from a yoga studio or practitioner and model your website after them. Do not attempt to reinvent, instead opt for the tried and tested marketing strategies.

Never waste your time creating a custom logo for your yoga business. It won't matter unless you are a big brand.

Include your physical address at the bottom of every web page on your website. Google identifies your address and whenever anyone types in say "Yoga Brighton", you would appear in the list for you are among the establishments present in the area. The more your address appears, the more Google and Yahoo will recognize it as your real physical address.

Make it very clear for people where to click.

Place a title on top of your website including a 1 or 2 line summary of what you offer. Highly ideal for yoga marketing is including the word "yoga" a number of times as possible in the title and the description.

Make sure the title and description is in real text not a graphic image. Search engines only see text, it cannot read graphic images.

by: Tamara Machavariani

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