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Keywords Are The

For quite a few people, getting a step-by-step, proven program isn't enough for them to go to work on a task. It seems that it just isn't enough for them to know that it works.They need to know how and why it works.These aspiring affiliate marketers are a little hard to define,but one of their main personality characteristics is that they insist on knowing the details.So in this article about affiliate marketing, and internet marketing in general, we are going to reveal some intricate details that will enable you to see the big picture as well as the small, inner workings of this incredible opportunity.The opportunity we are looking at here is the chance to sell something to somebody that wants it.Writ simple, the picture looks like this... Offer + Traffic = $ales. For many people this is a bit of an "aha" moment. But we need some details to round it out.For online marketers the choice of a product, and thereby a "niche" is the simple part of the formula. A brief trip through the panorama of affiliate programs will reveal thousands of products and pitches to all types of niche markets.Inherent in most information products is the promise of a solution to a problem. This is an easy thing to sell if it works, AND the person with the problem sees the offer.Most of the time these offers are on standard websites, and these days very often a blog is substituted for the old standard html page.But the formula is Offer + Traffic = Sales.In order for this business to succeed, there has to be traffic to the offer.But not just any old traffic. This has to be what is called "targeted traffic."Targeted traffic is what occurs when the traffic is generated out of a pool of what is often referred to as "qualified traffic" in the offline world.This can be illustrated by an example such as "people with acne being drawn to an offer that solves the problem of acne".The question then moves to "how do you find these people?"And the answer to that is keywords.There are other answers, but this is the big one, and, by and large, the people who understand keywords and how they function to define and isolate segments of certain markets are the ones making money.So keywords, the search phrases that people looking for something type into a search engine are a big key to traffic. Drawing from the example above "how to cure acne" would probably be a great keyword to rank high for on page one at Google. Tons of traffic.And to get page one, preferably position one, CAN be done and when it IS done, your traffic stats will rise like the smoke from a signal fire.Now... with the web page that has your "acne solution" on it getting people (traffic) from people who saw your web page in the search results after they typed in "how to cure acne" or a related phrase you are practically there.The first two parts of the formula are in place and functional, so THAT side of the equation equals the other side of the equation which is sales!

Keywords Are The "Key" To Targeted Traffic

By: Steven Magill

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