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1000 calorie challenge review

The fat loss industry is so saturated that any new products is not expected to make a revolutionary mark or anything.however a good product will nonetheless change many a people's lives. So 1000 calorie challenge - 4 keys to faster fat loss, is it a scam ? Is it worth a shot ?

From the start things are kept very simple, the first concept they drill into your head is that you have to eat less and work out more to loose weight. It's surprising how few people know of this. Most people will go to gym everyday and not make any changes to their diet and then crib how they are not loosing weight. Countless stories like these demotivate others who want to make a change.

Once this idea is drilled in, they waste no time in moving on to the actionables. The workouts that is. The workouts are al designed to make you loose 1000 calories a day. That's a highly impressive goal I must say. One thing that is good about the workout's is that they don;t last forever. They are short yet intense. For e.g. You won't see a rest time of more than 30 seconds between sets. The exercises are a simple combination of the popular ones plus a few new innovations.

Second part of the program is eating right. Thankfully they don;t expect you to diet everyday but have a few days in a week where you don't consume more than 1000 calories. I really like the fact that they made it clear that starving doesn't lead to fat loss.Yes it has been proven by scientists that starving beyond a few days will not lead to fat loss at all. The 1000 calories days are also planned strategically so that you don't fall prey to temptation. So in the end it's a successful combination of 1000 calorie loss a day + right amount of eating.

Now you will need gym or gym equipment for optimal weight loss using this program. And in my opinion you also won;t be able to manage 1000 calorie a day loss unless you follow this program to the T.that means being extremely disciplined. However the good news Is that, even if you cut yourself some slack and you follow this program mildly close to what is expected, you are bound to experience massive weight loss. Remember the key here is to FOLLOW the instructions. There a few details about this program and general weight loss in this free webcast. Check it out.

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