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subject: Learn How Sr22 Insurance Work [print this page]

In Texas and several other states, one needs proof of sr22 auto insurance in order to reinstate a suspended driver's license. Sr22 auto insurance is a type of policy that bears sr22 certification. To find cheap high risk auto insurance may require you to search more than regular car insurance. Because this is a special policy and a higher risk is involved, many insurance companies charge a higher rate for it. You will be required to carry this policy for at least two years before you get your license reinstated, so, you should try to get the best deal possible.

There will be several requirements to have your license reinstated if it has been suspended due to any judgements involving drunk driving (DWI / DUI) or an uninsured motorist, including SR22 certification. There is a reinstatement fee is required by the state. It is also possible that you will be required to enrol in and complete a driving safety program such as the ones targeted at drunken driving offenders. The driver's license will only be reinstated after all Department of Public Safety requirements have been met.

The SR22 auto insurance policy is not a particularly high risk kind of policy, but nonetheless many insurance companies do not provide this particular type of policy. The sr22 certification can be provided with policies from specialized brokers. The company that you use will be responsible for providing a certificate proving insurance coverage; this certificate will be filed with the Department of Public Safety. The individual insurance company is responsible for informing the state if your insurance policy does in fact lapse. Without a doubt, if you do not make timely payments to your insurance provider they will quickly allow your policy to lapse. Make no mistake, if your insurance policy lapses for any reason you will find your driver's license suspended. Generally, it is a requirement that you maintain sr22 insurance for the duration of two years from the day of your conviction, judgment or crash.

If you do not own a car, you can still get a non-owner policy that includes sr22. Sr22 auto insurance can also be used for a motorcycle. Even if you own more than one vehicle, you only have to get one sr22 certification.

by: Andres A Golden

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