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subject: You Need To Take Care Of Your Teeth If You Want To Keep Them For A Lifetime [print this page]

You Need To Take Care Of Your Teeth If You Want To Keep Them For A Lifetime

Most problems will sort themselves out within three or four days. Either you'll stumble across an easy solution or a solution will present itself from an unexpected source. There is one particular problem that this rule doesn't apply to: tooth decay. If a person neglects his teeth long enough, tooth decay is inevitable. If he chooses to neglect his teeth even after tooth decay is detected, the next step is tooth loss. Would you rather keep your teeth, or lose them?

Our teeth are bathed in bacteria twenty-four hours a day. It's been said that a bite from a human being's mouth is far more dangerous than a dog's bite due to the plethora of bacteria floating around in a person's mouth. The bacteria act as a shield against germs, preventing them from entering our body and safeguarding our general health. The negative aspect of excessive bacteria in the mouth is the fact that it feeds on sugar and carbohydrates. The leftover residue is called plaque, and we all know that plaque acts like a corrosive acid once it comes into contact with our tooth enamel.

Minor tooth decay is not easily detected. However, there are a few symptoms that could help a person recognize if they have tooth decay. If your teeth are overly sensitive to hot and cold liquids, that's a potential sign of tooth decay. If you have a dull, constant toothache, that could also be a sign of tooth decay. Yet another potential indicator for plaque gone wild is extreme sensitivity to sugary foods, such as experiencing pain when you bite into a donut. Of course, the only way to find out for sure if you have tooth decay is to visit your dentist and let him examine your teeth and take x-rays.

Every dentist will scrape and poke your teeth with a little metal tool when he performs his examination. That little tool he uses allows him to locate weak spots on your enamel. In addition to poking each and every tooth, your dentist will have an assistant take x-rays of your teeth and then he'll examine them with you. Cavities show up as dark spots on x-rays, so they are relatively easy to detect.

If you do have a cavity, it's not the end of the world. Your dentist will need to use a drill and remove the portion of your tooth that has tooth decay. He'll then color match a composite resin and use it like a paste to recreate the portion of your tooth that he removed. The resin will harden in a matter of minutes and your tooth will look as good as new. Most cavities can be drilled and filled within a 45 minute time span by a skilled dentist.

Of course, the easiest solution for cavities is to avoid getting them in the first place. Routine dental care is a requirement if you want to keep your teeth and gum in healthy condition. You'll also need to develop your own home dental-care routine, such as flossing and brushing. If you can afford to purchase a ten dollar toothbrush, you should buy one of the battery powered spin brushes. It's believed that they remove up to 90% of plaque while a standard toothbrush only removes up to 40% plaque.

When it comes to toothpaste, you definitely should purchase one that contains fluoride as it will strengthen your tooth enamel. Another ingredient you should look for in your toothpaste is Triclosan although there aren't many types of toothpaste that contain the ingredient (Colgate Total is one such toothpaste).

Keeping your teeth for an entire lifetime is an easy thing to accomplish: brush and floss everyday and visit your dentist for routine checkups and teeth cleaning. It's really that simple!

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