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4 Practical Tips To Follow When Buying Your Kids' Bunk Beds

4 Practical Tips To Follow When Buying Your Kids' Bunk Beds

When buying bunk beds for your children, think about how many years your children will utilize the bed, be aware of every available alternative, inspect the bed's ladder and railing features, and select a well-fitting mattress. Bunk Beds could be a good choice of furniture if you want to maximize limited space or if you have children who share one room. Throughout the years, the conventional bunk bed has undergone several transformations that changed its appearance, size and design; and there have even been additional features added to it like storage units and study tables. If you are considering getting a bunk bed for your children, you will want to know how to buy one that is best for your children's needs. Here are some guidelines to help you: Think about the length of time your children will be using the bed The length of time you intend to let your children sleep on a bunk bed is one of the first and most important factors you should consider. If you plan to have your kids sleep on a bunk bed for a long time, it might be unwise and costly to buy a child-size bunk bed with childish features. When choosing as style or design for the bunk beds, consider the age of your children and how many years they will intend to use it. Find out what your choices are Always remember that bunk beds come in many sizes and designs, with a variety of features, and in a wide range of prices, so don't impulsively buy the first one you come across. Do some research online, look at catalogs or window-shop with your child so both of you can compare all the choices available and find the best one. Scrutinize the guardrails and ladder of the bed Some of the most crucial parts that you should inspect when selecting a bunk bed are its guardrails and ladder. The bunk bed you choose must have a sturdy guardrail on each side of the upper bunk. Do not buy a bunk bed with a guard rail limited to one side. Even if you are planning to push the unguarded side against the wall, this setup poses a safety hazard. The size of the guardrails is important as well as the distance from the mattress frame to the lower portion of the railing. The gap between the two must not exceed 3 inches so the mattress will be held safely in place. The height of the guard rail should not be less than five inches beginning from the surface of the mattress to avoid falls or other bunk bed accidents. You should also consider the bunk bed's ladder. Because your child will be using the ladder regularly, it must be designed in such a way that it is convenient and safe for your child to climb up on. Make sure the ladder is reliable and is solidly attached so that it won't detach from the bed. Select a mattress that is the correct size You have to choose a mattress that corresponds to the size of the bed. Be sure the mattresses you choose are of high quality and fit the bunks perfectly, with no more than an inch to spare between the mattress and the frame. The bunk bed that you will purchase should be safe, of high quality, and appropriate for your child's needs.

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