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subject: How To Make A Website For Kids [print this page]

How To Make A Website For Kids

Internet is a vast place full of resources, but at the same time, it is full of unforeseen bad things, bad things that you do not wish your kid will pick up and learn. The best place to start is to make your very own website for your kids; it does not have to be very complicated and full of lots of advanced features. However, it needs to have the necessary appealing features to attract your kids' attention.

Even if it is not for your kid, doing our part to help the younger generation is a worthy job, isn't it?

Let's start by getting a place to build your website from.

You do not need to be familiar with HTML or XHTML to start building your own website, all you need to know, is where to go.
How To Make A Website For Kids

I will suggest or They are free and easy to use, and you can add in applications for your website too.

Firstly, let's start from the background of your website.

Kids like bright colours, so preferably no black or dark themes for your website. However, please do not over splatter all the colours all over the website as that will spoil the overall look and feel of your website.

If you have a little knowledge of web design, perhaps you can try inserting your own wallpaper as the background of the website. Perhaps an all time favourite cartoon hero that most kids like? Maybe characters like Mickey Mouse or Tom & Jerry who had been around for ages.

Secondly, the things that you can put on your website to attract the kids' attention.

Pictures - Cute pictures or a very cute banner to attract their attention. Stories with lots of pictures or cartoon strips will be good too. And you can teach them reading along the way as well.

Videos - Other than cartoons you can consider putting music videos as well. Kids nowadays are getting mature at a younger age and it would not take long before they start venturing into the pop music world. You can take the very first step to guide them in what kind of music to listen to, as some of the music today has totally no meaning or carries some vulgarities with them. YouTube is a good source for videos.

Games - Kids just love games, and having something on the website that they can click on will be great. It does not have to be a complicated game as it might be hard for them to understand or play. Simple clicking of buttons games can do the trick. Perhaps you can try searching the apps searcher provided by the website to add an interesting game. Or if you cannot find a desired game that you want, there is always Google search.

Just a little advice, lengthy passages of words are not encouraged on a kids' website as it might be hard for them to read.

You can add in a little something on the website too, like a cute cursor or some catchy background music that has a pause button just in case the kid wants to view the videos.

Enjoy and have fun in building your very own kids' website!

by: Yc Sim.

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