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How to save on your car insurance premiums

How to save on your car insurance premiums

If you want to save money on your car insurance policy, or reduce your car insurance premiums, the first thing you should do is compare a number of motor insurance quotes to find the policy that offers the best value.

Comparing insurance quotes at random is not very helpful. A quote for women drivers over forty who live in rural areas will be of no use to a 23-year-old male driver living in Johannesburg, no matter how reasonably priced. It is far more beneficial to compare relevant quotes, specifically chosen to suit your circumstances.

Finding a more competitive vehicle insurance quote may save you money in the long-run. If you are struggling to meet your monthly car insurance premiums, you may be tempted to reduce your level of cover you. For example, it is possible to save money on car insurance by choosing to opt only for third party insurance, instead of comprehensive car insurance. This will result in cheaper premiums, but it also means that you are not protected against losses caused by damage to your vehicle potentially costing a fortune in repair expenses.
How to save on your car insurance premiums

Securing your vehicle

There are also basic steps you can take to lower car insurance premiums.Insurance is about protecting you against risk. It follows that if your car faces lower risk of loss or damage, your car insurance premiums will be cheaper.

By taking recommended security measures, which often include technologies such as satellite tracking, you can reduce the chances of theft of your vehicle. This is reassuring in itself, with the added bonus that the costs are often absorbed by the commensurate reduction in your car insurance premiums.

Safety equipment, like airbags and anti-lock brakes, can also lower premiums.Some cars are cheaper to insure than others. If you are buying a new vehicle, check the insurance costs before making your choice.

Younger drivers in particular should be encouraged to drive older vehicles, which are often cheaper to insure.

Increasing excess

It is sometimes possible to reduce your monthly premium in exchange for a higher excess. This means that if you claim on your insurance, you will be personally liable for a greater portion of the costs. This will also make it less viable to make smaller claims.

Think carefully about raising your voluntary excess. It may lower your premiums, but will discourage you from making claims as you will have to pay more with any claims you do make.

Compare quality quotes

Comparing quotes will help you find the cheapest car insurance. But low prices mean nothing without quality. It is essential that your insurer has a proven track record and is reliable. If your policy has too many prohibitive exclusions or your insurer fails to pay out on time, or makes claiming difficult, you are paying too much, whatever your monthly premium. Low prices for compromised cover is not good value.

For quality and assurance, find a resource that allows you to compare relevant, quality insurance products from reputable insurers.

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