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subject: Wording Matters: How to Phrase Your Wedding Invitations and Wedding Order of Service [print this page]

Author: . Waters" href="">Libby M. Waters

Wedding invitations are the first aspect of the wedding that the bride, groom, wedding planners, and excited other parties deal with, so unlike other aspects that may get passed over as things get busy nearer to the date, the wedding invitation has the potential to be perfect. Though wording and etiquette concerning your wedding invitations and wedding order of service can certainly be varied and reflect your own personal sentiments about your ceremony, there are aspects of the phrasing that are considered traditional. For example, depending on many different factors, (such as the size of the wedding, presence of the parents, whos paying, the age of the bride and groom, etc.) the wedding invitations can begin in two different ways: Mr. and Mrs. ___ request your presence at the wedding of their daughter/son to ___. Or __ and __ request your presence at their wedding. Obviously, there is some variation within the actual phrasing of the invitation, but you need to decide whether your name or your parents names will be at the beginning. If you choose the latter, you may add the phrase Together with their parents at the beginning. As mentioned earlier, it is all up to you and is only determined by factors unique to your weddingthere are no rules set in stone as long as the introduction is present. This introduction is usually followed by the details of the wedding. The best rule of thumb is to keep it short, but very clear. You do not want any confusion about the date or time, and sometimes people get confused if you word it in a fancy way. Obviously, the date, time, and location of the wedding are vital to any invitation, but there are other details that you will want to consider. One that many people overlook is attirehow should everyone be dressed for the wedding? Obviously, the wedding party will be dressed in formal attire, but do you think that will be necessary for guests? Most people will know how to dress appropriately, but if you want to make sure, be clear in your wedding invitations. Something that is not specified by any rules of etiquette in wording/phrasing is the inclusion of a special verse or quote that means something to the bride, groom, and their families. It is a way to very specifically set the tone for the upcoming wedding in a personal way. Many invitations come with quotes already present above the request for presence, but if you have a particular quote in mind that is not readily available , you will need to make sure that you can find a dealer who can fit your needs. Remember that no matter what, your wedding invitations are your first impressions, and many of your guests will save them as a reminder of your special day. Make them clear, but make them personal.About the Author:

Libby is a wedding planner and designer as well as an expert in wedding favours, invitations, and table decor. She shares her expertise with readers and clients all over the world and has become a trusted resource for wedding event planning and design.

For more tips and information about wedding invitations and wedding order of service, please visit her online.

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