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subject: Breastcancerdonation [print this page]

Breast cancer is a very common disease found in women between the age of 30 and 60. There are a large number of treatments available for treating breast cancer. These Breast cancer medications range from pills to radiation to surgery. Let us first look at the symptoms of Breast cancer.Most females identify breast cancer because of certain lumps in their breast and sometimes even lumps in the armpits may be a sign of approaching breast cancer. It is very important for us to note that pain in the breast is NOT a symptom of breast cancer. Most females assume that lumps are the starting stages of breast cancer but that is not the case. By the time the lumps are identified, the tumor has been growing for a number of years. Most breast cancers are formed in the inner lining of the milk ducts present in the breasts.During diagnosis, first screening will take place to identify any lumps. But screening alone is not suffiecient to determine breast cancers, another test is conducted to confirm if the lump is cancerous. This is done because the lump could possibly be just a simple cyst. After this, it is diognised using a process called "triple test" which consists of clinical breast examination, mammography and a complex process called fine needle aspiration cytology.Breast cancer Medication includes Harmone Blocking Therapy, a process called Chemotherapy, and using monoclonal Antibodies. Other than this, there is another method called radiation in which Radoptherapy is used.We need not be Overwhelmed by all these processes and need not assume that it would be expensive. With proper Breast cancer donations contributed by various organizations, the cost of medication has been reduced considerably. Even certain cancer foundations provide free medication to the poorer sections of the society, again these institutions get their income from donations. These Cancer foundations also do the important job of spreading info about Breast cancer and providing people with various guidelines in diognising breast cancer and providing information on early symtomps.

by: Cynthia

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